Adrian Bianco


Adrian Bianco

Art View is a project that aims to expand the conversation of contemporary art by offering a space for emerging artists to showcase their work; Sabukaru hopes to shine a new light on creatives from all over the world.


Our first feature is California based Art Director Diangelo Cuevas - he tells us an early childhood gift got him in touch with his creative side; Diangelo started his journey using a 35mm SLR gifted to him by his grandfather. “The introduction to photography gave me the ability to project visions into the world,” he says. “I started to edit videos of the adventures with my friends with the intention to immortalize the memories.” Diangelo evolved from photography into filmmaking when the mediums didn’t provide enough creative expression.

Prior to becoming an art director, Diangelo graduated from the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco where he focused on developing his technical and creative knowledge, allowing him to master the technological aspect of his work. “In a world of instant gratification, I have learned to slow down and to enjoy the process.” Diangelo mentions, his current practice focuses on creating work that resonates and “that will live rent-free in people’s heads, and hopefully even pull a heartstring or two”.

Through a natural growth process, cars became a big part of his artistic expression providing a newfound freedom that only comes when you are able to drive, furthered by offering a new energy release method; “The hands-on assembly specifically has definitely influenced my learning style and acts as a form of therapy.” After being able to repair his own car, Diangelo found a clear correlation between his creative process and his mechanical journey “Literally pouring your heart and soul into this living piece of art, it soon becomes a direct representation of the owner.” he adds.

Diangelo’s work focuses on communicating raw emotions through images and film, with an eye for aesthetics, mood, function and form. His work is bright and relaxing, the kind that immerses audiences into different worlds. “Stay persistent and manifest your goals. Remember that there is no growth without discomfort!”.

About the Author:
Thomas is a designer from Italy’s Turin metropolitan area and currently residing in London, he specialises in visualising abstract concepts that bridge the world of theoretical science and design. Running, science, and sounds drive his love for life, surrounded by plants and positive people.