Death Note Meets the Simpsons

The American sitcom created by Matt Groening, The Simpsons, is known for its impact on the world of cartoons, pop culture, and comedy. Simultaneously sarcastic and true, The Simpsons are a satirical representation of the “American dream”.
Its iconic family of five and their less-than-whimsical adventures engraved themselves on American TV, and consequently the rest of the world. Countless cameos, crossovers, and parodies make this show timeless.
On the other hand, the obscure 2006 anime Death Note is nothing like the sitcom. The suspenseful and immoral story is far from anything near the world of Marge or Bart, but it definitely rivals its popularity and global impact. For their Halloween special, The Simpsons released, you guessed it, their take on Death Note.
For their annual Treehouse of Horror event, The Simpsons will be releasing three special episodes based on creepy stories. The Death Note-inspired episode, titled “Death Tome”, is definitely an eye-catcher: it’s one of the only times you will see Lisa Simpson as an anime girl. They teamed up with the Korean animation studio DR Movie, which actually worked with Studio Madhouse for Death Note, for the anime look, as a proper homage to the original series. Attentive viewers will also be able to catch funky cameos, like a Krusty Burger in the background of Tokyo.
The Simpsons fall short of the thriller side, but this episode goes down in the books. It may be the first and last time that we see Homer drinking sake. This episode will be available to stream on Hulu and Disney+.
Hopefully, this won’t contribute to the conspiracy theory of the “Simpsons predictions”.
About the Author:
Mizuki Khoury
Born in Montreal, based in Tokyo. Sabukaru’s senior writer and works as an artist under Exit Number Five.