Help! The Yuru-Chara’s Are Stuck - Unreal Mascots in Very Real Situations

Japan’s yuru-Chara’s [ゆるキャラ] or Japanese-style mascots have gained notoriety for their ability to make even the most boring things irresistibly cute.
And, there’s been a viral chronicle originating on reddit and spreading to other corners of the internet capturing these little guys, in the real world struggling [adorably] with basic tasks like opening doors, boarding the train, or even exiting the bathroom due to their extremely round heads with short stubby bodies. Yuru-chara “struggles” have become a sort of super micro trend, that have begun to be reported by passersby on low quality cell phones or whatever camera people have on hand to capture their spontaneity.
In Japan, not only are these mascots a frequent sighting; where they are seen outside new businesses, train stations, tourism offices, or even cell phone stores trying to sell a new deal, but they also have dedicated fans that collect their customized merch. However, because they are so normalized in society we barely ever think about how these mascots get around town, let alone do basic functions while working like traveling, eating, using the bathroom, that are necessary while doing their job of spreading cuteness to the world.
For a quick explanation, a yuru-Chara is a name of a Japanese style mascot, that usually is a kawaii representation of a mundane object or an organization featuring wide eyes, mini nose, and simple smile. Anything from software corporation’s to an entire city [Tokyo included], has a designated character that represents it [lovably] to the general public.
Although there are over 3,000 registered yuru-chara’s in Japan, the most popular regional mascot is Kumoman, a chubby black bear with rosy cheeks who represents the Kumamoto prefecture. Every couple of years there is a cut throat but good natured competition called the Yuru-chara Grand Prix, where all the nations mascots compete to earn different titles such as best regional character, best corporate character, best Japan oriented character. Who knows? Maybe in the future sabukaru will have a yuru-chara of it’s own.