Hyperpop and Bright Lights: STARKIDS, Tokyo’s Energetic Rising Stars

Japan’s youth continually seeks the next big escape.
It’s either in art, skating, and fashion, but in this case, it’s music: here enters STARKIDS. The group’s electric energy and high-on-life atmosphere push the tempo harder at their already-packed gigs, sending their fans into a frenzy as bass blasts and synths harmonize.
Their music takes significantly from the growing interest in hyperpop in Japan, with lyrics highlighting the group’s energy and drive to rise in the ranks of the country’s music industry, as well as to make a name for themselves.
Their motto “Forever Stars, Forever Kids” highlights their theme of chaotic fun that we’ve all enjoyed as kids, while simultaneously shooting for the stars, dreaming as far off as possible. This seems to resonate with most of their fanbase, as they are people that still see themselves as kids simply wanting to enjoy life for all that it has to offer, creating undeniable fun (and chaos) along the way.
The group’s popularity continues to grow as more and more people find themselves drawn to the sound and vision STARKIDS embody. Afterall, it’s their dream that we’re living in - and it never fails to inspire.