Japanese Store Fonts by noramoji Project

When you walk through the streets of any area in Tokyo you will see them everywhere: small storefronts. Some may be polished, others barely visible because of ranking plants or stacked packages and stuff outside the windows. But they are, what makes the streets charming.
All of them come with a very unique sign in a very unique font. Collecting all these and shining light on the craft of creating fonts is the main idea of the @noramoji project. Reviving the work of those who design all of the many thousand store signs in Tokyo and other cities, to show the beauty of aging and the charm of imperfection.
But as globalization is a thing also in Japan, like elsewhere small store owners have a hard time surviving against big corporations.
On the @noramoji website, you can download reproductions of the fonts initially used for signs. All of the profits they make from these fonts will be refunded to the store owners to help them survive.
Not only for font lovers, but @noramoji is also a must-visit page. Swipe to see a selection of store-sign-fonts and make sure to check out many different other fonts on the original account.