The Best Screenplay Writer Anime Ever Had: Keiko Nobumoto

When we think of anime, we often think of the graphics and the aesthetic first - which is natural, as the visuals are such a prominent factor in its popularity.
But what we often forget is that there are huge teams behind every series, every episode, and every single line of dialogue. The “behind-the-scenes” quality makes or breaks the entire universe of anime and the legends who work on the skeleton of anime are too often unnamed heroes. Keiko Nobumoto, one of the best screenwriters and producers of anime of our time, needs to be crowned for her game-changing work.
It’s thanks to Keiko Nobumoto, among others, that we have Cowboy Bepop - she was the one who came up with the iconic title - Wolf’s Rain, Tokyo Godfathers, and even Samurai Champloo, Macross Plus, and Akira. Her work in the world of anime is unforgettable, cool, timeless, and impeccable - no wonder she won the Fuji Television Young Screenplay Prize super early in her career.
Nobumoto is known to have taken a wiggly path to success. Born in 1964 in Hokkaido, she worked for a short time as a nurse before inevitably quitting to become a secretary at an anime company, where she was able to climb the ranks very quickly with her writing skills. Do keep in mind that this was in the mid-80s and 90s Japan, where office women faced a lot of misogyny and sexist hurdles - Keiko Nobumoto is not only an inspiration because of her innate talent, but also for her perseverance and ambition in a male-dominated industry.
Her screenwriting poise did not limit itself to anime. She worked on popular Japanese TV series like Blue Vaccine to the Heart, Banana Chips Love, and more, especially in the earlier phase of her career.
Keiko Nobumoto passed too soon on December 1st, 2021, in her battle against oesophageal cancer, leaving behind tons of mourning fans, friends, and family, but her tactical approach and unmatched work still resonate. What she’s done in a few decades completely changed the universe of anime, and that’s what makes her a legend.
About the Author:
Mizuki Khoury
Born in Montreal, based in Tokyo. Sabukaru’s senior writer and works as an artist under Exit Number Five.