The sabukaru Guide to 10 Creepiest Japanese horror games

There is no doubt that Japan has produced a plethora of top-tier games and has dominated numerous genres within the gaming industry as we know it. One genre, in particular, is horror.
After the introduction of PlayStation, the market started to take a dramatic shift by producing games aimed at an older audience. The doorway for games with violent imagery and complex themes was opened, which evidently led to the creation of a new era of gaming.
Rather than your average light-hearted games, the industry started to birth more gut-wrenching storylines that dove into your inner psyche, and no one did it better than Japan.
One thing about Japanese horror games is that it doesn’t shy away from bringing the most gruesome and psychologically terrifying nightmares to life, which is one of the main reasons why they have gained the reputation and admiration for being such a unique genre of gaming.
Origins of Japanese horror itself stems back to the Edo and Meiji period which is where much of the Japanese folklore that we know today traces back to. Japanese horror games are often inspired by these classic traits and draw you into their bizarre and terrifying worlds - no matter how horrified you may be, you just can’t look away.
These creators take their imagery seriously and the way they tackle the details in each game is unmatched. Some of the games may be familiar but it’s difficult not to put the spotlight on them since they have revolutionized the horror gaming genre. Regardless, these games are true gems within the gaming industry and should go straight into your list if you haven’t tried them out yet.
Make sure you’ve locked your doors and maybe keep the lights on: sabukaru gives you our top 10 picks of the creepiest Japanese horror games that will definitely give you flashbacks.
ゆめにっき [Yume Nikki]
An endless stroll through your darkest nightmares.
ゆめにっき [Yume Nikki] is solely based on the main character called “Madotsuki” which translates to windowed - a girl who continuously walks within a windowed dream.
The game was released in 2004 by writer Kikiyama. The game itself is straightforward with no particular aim or plot, yet it still has an eerie feel that leaves an unexplainable aftertaste. Each time you play, you are faced with twelve doors, all leading to a particular dream that you can freely roam around. Unlike your typical horror game, Yume Nikki doesn’t directly attack a character or have encounters with a villain, but many place it under the horror genre due to the creepy visuals and gory details. The graphics of the game take you back to the early 2000s with the dotted art and has an ancient Aztec and Paracas civilization’s feel to the design.
The game immerses the player in what literally seems like a dreamlike experience, leaving you wondering if you will ever be able to escape the ethereal labyrinth.
Corpse Party
It is a cult classic and one of the best original survival horror games out there. Released in 1996 by creator Makoto Kedoin, Corpse Party brings about a nostalgic and retro feel to it. Like Yume Nikki, the game puts more emphasis on the storyline rather than the visual qualities. The interactiveness of the game itself is what has pulled in loyal fans of this particular game. Corpse Party ultimately became a large franchise with dozens of games, mangas, and novels.
The original plot of the game begins with a group of teenagers light-heartedly telling scary stories when they are suddenly hurtled into another dimension where they find themselves in a haunted school. In what was supposed to be a wholesome culture festival, the characters were faced with the ghost of a former student who sought vengeance for an unruly death.
The core appeal of this game lies within the storyline so we don’t want to spoil too much. Corpse Party is a combination of horror, gore, mystery, anime, manga, and so much more that you’ll find out if you play it.
THE 大量地獄 [Tairyou Jigoku]
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 113 THE 大量地獄 [Tairyou Jigoku], translates to “Overwhelming Hell” and the title does not lie: it will take you to an overwhelming hell of bugs. The game revolves around a teenage schoolgirl chasing down a rabbit who stole her phone. The rabbit alludes to Alice in Wonderland, with the game giving an interesting twist to the classic story. The girl finds herself to be led through different worlds that are filled with disgusting bugs and vermins. The game itself has a simple plot and goal but you will most likely find yourself in tricky situations.
Despite being released with a budget, the graphics are not too shabby and the sound quality is well done. The music perfectly compliments the bizarre and eerie atmosphere of the game with really anime-like voice acting.
Tairyou Jigoku may not be one of the scariest horror games but it is definitely disturbing and outlandish. If you like niche Japanese media and want to try out a straightforward horror game, this one is for you.
散歩 [Sanpo]
This game is arguably one of the creepiest ones on this list. 散歩 [Sanpo], also known as “Walk”, was released as a fragment of the Haunted PS1 Demo Disk, and focuses on a young girl trying to make her way home while being stalked by a tall, shadowy entity. Some have speculated that this monster is a reference to a Japanese mythical spirit named “Hachishaku-Sama” - an eight-feet woman who prays on children from nine to eleven years old.
If the premise itself is giving you the heebie-jeebies, just wait until you actually play it. The specific details such as the camera angles, the grainy visuals, and the disturbing sounds that the monster makes when it is creeping towards you are traumatizing. This game doesn’t rely on the classic horror game traits but is purely built-up anxiety. The game gives you multiple POVs that bring about a sense of panic and uneasiness.
Sanpo proves that a horror game doesn’t need flash or flare to be absolutely terrifying. The atmosphere and environment that the game creates are well done and it is one of the most unique horror games out there.
帰り道 [Kaerimichi]
Continuing with the theme of traumatizing the mundane task of walking home, the game 帰り道 [Kaerimichi], translated into “The Night Way Home” follows a teenage schoolgirl trying to get home and she ends up in a peculiar dimension where a monster that looks like Slenderman’s distant Japanese cousin is haunting her.
Kaerimichi was created by Chilla’s Art, a Japanese indie game production team that has released numerous critically acclaimed short horror survival games. The game’s visuals resemble the suburban side of Japan with very clean and realistic images, which makes it more discomforting. With only one flashlight to guide you through what seems like an endless maze, the anxiety and fear of when the monster is going to pop up is hard to handle. Similar to Chilla Art’s other games, the jumpscares in this game are unnecessarily scary.
One of the best qualities of Japanese horror games is the fact that they can take mundane things and turn them into your worst nightmares. Kaerimichi is a worthwhile short game to play that will make you think twice before you travel home alone at night again.
赤マント[Aka Manto]
赤マント[Aka Manto] utilizes the disturbing Japanese urban legend in a horror survival game. You are completely surrounded by creepy dark hallways, running from a demonic monster that is hunting you constantly.
There are multiple urban legends of Aka Manto, however, the most famous one is the most spine-chilling where the gist is that you either end up being stabbed to death soaked in your own blood or strangled to death until you turn blue from the blood being drained from your body. The game was released in 2019 by yet again, the mastermind, Chilla’s Art, and the overall goal is to escape Aka Manto by solving puzzles while you try to maneuver your way through an abandoned school. Along with some heart-stopping jump scares, the sounds that you hear when being chased by Aka Manto are very disturbing.
It’s a genuine survival horror game and many have given up since it is a permadeath format. This nightmarish game is tricky and you will definitely need a breather while you play it.
The Evil Within
The Evil Within is considered a Japanese masterpiece by many and has all the qualities of a horror game that you can ask for; blood, gore, and demonic monsters that look like they crawled out of hell.
Shinji Mikami, the creator of the renowned Resident Evil series did not disappoint, as The Evil Within was the perfect comeback that everyone was waiting for. The game follows detective Sebastian Castellanos who is investigating a murder when he is suddenly knocked unconscious and wakes up in another dimension. The game touches upon numerous themes such as psychosis, sadism, and psychological torture.
The setting takes you into an unearthly world with the most graphically horrifying monsters you can imagine. This game has taken every single fear that you have locked away in your deepest inner psyche and placed them in a single disc. If feeling your soul exit out of horror is the sensation you’re looking for, definitely put this on your gaming list.
Fatal Frame
One of the many praised qualities of Asian horror games is the inspiration that the creators get from ancient folklore and urban legends that are hidden within their culture. Alongside Resident Evil, Fatal Frame is arguably one of the scariest horror game series and it is no surprise that it is featured in this guide.
Each series takes place in Japan during the 1980s, within numerous locations that hold infamous reputations for supernatural events to this day. Not only does the game revolve around haunting folklore, but the events that occur within the game are also directly experienced by the development team, providing the world of Fatal Frame with a more intense flavor of horror.
Creative director, Makoto Shibata has poured his personal haunting stories into the game directly, with unique events that will leave anyone playing this game paralyzed with fear. It is no surprise that many name this one of the scariest games up to date since you can see how the details induce genuine terror.
Silent Hill
An undeniable sabukaru favorite is the Silent Hill series. The original installment of the series released between 1999 to 2004 was a game-changer for the horror game genre and is still one of the most renowned series that is loved by many.
Throughout each of the games, the plot changes in terms of underlying themes but what they all have in common is that the game sheds a light on the corruption of humanity. The game focuses on the evil within our society that we may not want to acknowledge and the darkness that hides within our deepest psychological fears. The world of Silent Hill has been carefully constructed with each detail symbolizing something deeper than what we can just perceive.
Out of the series, Silent Hill 2 has continued to be one of the most critically acclaimed installments. As an art form, the game has been praised for bringing the series to new heights, with twists and turns that changed the dynamic of the game. It is considered a masterpiece as it seamlessly executes the unique qualities of the Silent Hill series in its entirety.
Resident Evil
If you know anything about horror games, you must have heard about Resident Evil. It is one of the most critically acclaimed horror games that was created in 1966 by Capcom with Shinji Mikami as director for the PlayStation console. Many consider Resident Evil to be the original survival horror game franchise and is absolutely top tier.
It goes without saying that Resident Evil had graphics and storylines that were unprecedented in the gaming industry, placing the players in a role that absorbed them in a world of suspense and pure madness.
The original plot of the game was set in 1998 in a fictional town named Raccoon City, where there was a series of cannibalistic homicides. The city’s Special Tactics and Rescue Service [S.T.A.R.S] was assigned to investigate these murders where they were faced with unimaginable horror. The game was truly ahead of its time, leading to numerous remakes, the most recent one being a remake of Resident Evil 4 which was released in 2023.
Resident Evil has revolutionized the gaming industry and is acknowledged as the origin of survival horror games. There’s not much more to say other than the fact that Resident Evil will continue to be regarded as the pinnacle of this genre of gaming and it’s definitely worth playing.