8 Smiths in One Body - Killer7

Not many video games have a storyline and gameplay as unique as the 2005 PS2 & GameCube title Killer7.
Developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and Capcom Production Studio and published by Capcom, Killer7 follows a group of assassins called "killer7", who are all different versions of a man named Harman Smith.
The story of the game is split into 11 parts, with each part typically starting with one of the 8 Smiths, Garcian accepting a hit request. The player must control the character and defeat a boss while encountering and fighting "Heaven Smiles" on the way, mysterious entities of a terrorist group of the same name.
These Heaven Smiles are virtually invisible due to their city camo and must be identified with their laughing sounds. When the player encounters a Heaven Smile, the perspective changes from the third-person to first-person, and the analog stick aims the player's gun rather than move the character.
With Garcian Smith being the main personality accepts all of the hits, and from there the player controls a different Smith, each with their own unique special powers to complete the mission. Harman is the leader of the Smith Syndicate, Garcian can revive others, Dan uses the Collateral Shot, Coyote can jump insanely high, Kevin can become invisible, Kaede reveals hidden items and paths by spraying them with her own blood, Con has superhuman speed, and Mask de Smith wields two grenade launchers.
Harman is the leader of the Smith Syndicate, Garcian can revive others, Dan uses the Collateral Shot, Coyote can jump insanely high, Kevin can become invisible, Kaede reveals hidden items and paths by spraying them with her own blood, Con has superhuman speed, and Mask de Smith wields two grenade launchers.
Once the player completes Killer7, a new mode titled Killer8 becomes available on the start screen. Killer8 is similar to Killer7, but a young version of Harman Smith becomes available as one of the controllable characters.
Apart from that, the difficulty is much higher than Killer7, and Heaven Smile attacks are nearly guaranteed to one-shot the player.