The City of the Wounded Youth: Premiering “Untitled Us” by ZNTNDR

ZNTNDR is a music-and-video duo of Jovan Todorović and Ilija Duni, rooting their projects in electronic music and a breathtaking cinematic approach. “Untitled Us” is one of the songs from their recently released album, Pieces of Things That Come to Life, and the music video for it is a heightened representation of the beautiful lyricism of the song.
Starring the tragic romance of a young couple in the tumultuous and gritty underground world of Tokyo, it tells a story that we all are familiar with: an ardent love with an abrupt ending, leaving us high and dry with no consolation. The video transpires of vulnerability, and it feels like your heart is getting pinched by tenderly kept memories of heartbreak, painting everything in a melancholic shade of blue.
Though the scenes are languorously paced, the tension is intense and sudden. Produced by Nakama Films with the genius videographer Oliver Millar who’s shot for The Weeknd and Grimes, “Untitled Us” music video will be out on October 22nd.
Artist: @zntndr @jovan_todorovic @ilijaduni
Cast: @ryuheichishima @hara______m @viral_booy @shoyuyoriponz @mon000000000 @yusuke_onishi19
Written & Directed by: @jovan_todorovic
Cinematography: @oli_millar
Editor: @milena_z_petrovic
Creative Assistant: @currodlv
Color: @mikolour
Casting Director: @takaresaka
VFX: @slavkogavric_vfx
Stylist: @stylist_maiko
Hair & Make-Up: @mikafurukawa
AD: @bigpapasrey
AC: @e_t_o_y_u_k_a_ @akirashady
Steadicam Operator: @kevinyoshida.dp.steadi
Stills Photography: @currodlv
Grip Company: Griffith
Bike Grip Company: S3
Gaffer: @jun_gaffer
Production: @kenykilla @ramanomis @annaguanabanana @yukid3f @nakamafilm @emote.films
About the Author:
Mizuki Khoury
Born in Montreal, based in Tokyo. Sabukaru’s senior writer and works as an artist under Exit Number Five.