The Fixie Phenomenon: Dosnoventa’s Love Story with Japan

Cycling in Tokyo is essential for many of its inhabitants. The vast metropolis acts as a unique playground for bikers, with its small and narrow alleys and its constantly changing inclines, to its huge and intimidating roads, the juxtaposition in the terrain truly makes this a concrete jungle, and cyclists truly can come into their own. The varying landscapes make every ride unique, the beautiful settings make every commute an adventure, and every high-speed workout an immensely satisfying thrill. But, if it's such a biker's city, what is everyone riding?
Choosing a bike in Tokyo is like choosing your first Pokémon; a seemingly impossible choice, with each brand having its unique offerings. Some offer comfort, some offer speed, some offer safety, and some, like the legendary mamachari [loosely translating to ‘mother bike’], offer a basket in the front to keep all your essentials in. But, ask any cyclist in Japan what everyone's dream bike brand would be, and undoubtedly Dosnoventa would be high up on their list. This iconic bike brand, started in 2012 in Barcelona by a group of bikers, is a machine built for the streets of Tokyo.
It all started in a fixed gear shop in Barcelona back in 2010. The founders of Dosnoventa had an obsessive fixation on the fixed-gear culture and decided to start Dosnoventa to distil this passion and tell their unique dialect with riding. Using the feeling of a fixed-gear bike, also known as a fixie, as their story-telling mechanic, the brand now sits 12 years strong and continues to revolutionise city riding.
So what is a ‘fixie’. For all you non-bikers out there, a fixie is a bike that has no gears, and when the back wheel is moving, so will the pedals. There are no brakes, instead you control this with the pedals. This means you, the rider, are the sole controller of the speed of the bike, and with no gears or brakes, it means fewer distractions from the ride itself. Fixies are known for their utmost control and speed, and making it all the more fun whilst riding
Dosnoventa is a unique bike brand which focuses on the city rather than trails but aims to instill that same sense of thrill and connection with the bike that you feel when downhill mountain biking. With its signature design, it aims to create a relationship between the rider, the bike, and the world below it. Developing a harmony of movement, Dosoventa emphasizes the feeling of riding, rather than just the physical act of it.
Revolutionizing the fixie world, Dosnoventa is also prized on their ability to create an incredibly well-made bike that not only feels and performs well, but looks great. Delectably described by the guys there as ‘perfectly calibrated weapons’, this description sings of what their brand is all about; high velocity, high thrill, high fun, immense quality, and sleek design. They look to create an extension of you, rather than just a tool or movement. They believe bikes should be an addition to your personality.
This notion ties in with why there has been a recent boom in cycling culture. Biking as a culture has seen exponential growth in recent years, with it cross-pollinating even with the fashion world. Now that we are all more conscious of our well-being, sports and physical activities have become paramount and it’s for this reason that we may be seeing it create a symbiosis with our own identity even more than before. We are now seeing brands such as Satisfy soar into the sky in popularity, and here is where brands like Dosnoventa also take center stage.
Sporting brands are looking to connect deeper with this fashion community, as it's no longer just about the exercise, but immensely about the lifestyle and culture. Donoventa champions this ideology, and rather than force it, already has an innate connection. Recently collaborating with the likes of Maharishi and Talking Terps, its unique partnerships like this allow them to firmly sit inside this new bubble of fashion meets sports, a space that has also resonated with them.
Japan acted as a catalyst for Dosnoventa, with them calling it their ‘second home’. Greatly resonated with the concrete terrain that embellishes Japan's cities, this became their landscape of inspiration and acted as a building block for their developments. Now, you can’t go two streets without seeing a Dosnoventa zip past you, leaving you in the dust.
It’s for this reason that we have great pleasure in offering an exclusive insight into their brand, the history and journey from humble beginnings to industry phenomenon, and cycling culture as a whole.
Hello, and thanks so much for talking to us! Can you first start by introducing yourself to our audience, and telling us a little bit about the legacy of Dosnoventa.
Hello Sabukaru. The pleasure is all ours! Juanma Pozo (founder), Uri Bordes (Product Manager), and David A. Turover (Creative Director) from Dosnoventa® are answering your questions. Dosnoventa® is an independent urban cycling company that originated in Barcelona over a decade ago. We like to think that with Dosnoventa, and the brand's distinct approach, we've connected with people all over the world, inspiring a new generation of riders and getting many of them to start riding fixed gear in their own cities.
You guys were founded in 2012, in Barcelona. What’s the biking scene like over there?
We used to own a small fixed gear shop in Barcelona back in 2010. Fixed gear cycling was booming in Barcelona, Europe, and other parts of the world. We were lucky enough that in this region—Spain, Italy, France—there is a significant cycling tradition. I remember how we would travel to velodromes and old shops acquiring classic track bikes for the store. The old-timers at the velodromes just couldn't understand how we used those bikes on city streets. Just so you know, urban fixed gear bikes actually come from track racing bikes used in velodromes. We started importing bike frames and components from various places, including the USA, Japan (specifically Keirin bikes and NJS components), and other brands from countries like Italy, France, and Spain. People were hyped about getting those holy grails. Both bikes and components.
Pretty quickly, a community took shape around our store. We had races, meet-ups where riders would come to show off their bikes, join group rides, or just hang out and watch football (laughs). It really felt like a family, all brought together by our shared passion. We were totally captivated by the vibrant California fixed-gear scene; think of Macaframa, Mash, and the like. And, of course, the New York scene was just as thrilling. Our first trip to New York with our bikes in 2012 was a game-changer. We got to meet and ride with the bike messenger community there, an experience that profoundly impacted and shaped us.
Our rider community grew so fast that we found ourselves needing a much bigger place. This new space turned into a meeting point, not just for local riders but for our growing international community as well. Those years were filled with unforgettable journeys, races, and lots and lots of parties.
You guys coined a phrase when we first spoke; ‘made by cyclists, for cyclists’ - were you all avid cyclists, even before starting the brand?
We might need to define what we mean by 'cyclists' a bit better (laughs). Sure, we all rode fixed gear bikes around town and had the shop before we launched the brand. But I'm not sure we've ever really seen ourselves as 'cyclists' in the traditional sense. You know, we're not exactly the bib-wearing, leg-shaving type of athletic cyclists. We're more about riding hard on city streets, weaving through traffic, and not always sticking to the rules.
How important do you feel it is that when making a product - cycling related or not - you must live and breathe the culture it is in before creating the brand itself?
It flowed organically for us—we were hooked on the fixed-gear scene and didn't see anything that truly represented our style within it. So, we decided to launch our own brand to share our story and perspective. Our products evolved to fit our lifestyle and riding approach. We've learned that when you create something, it's essential to do it from a genuine place, whether it's to express yourself or contribute to a community you're a part of. That's when it's real when it's something you know, that resonates with you, and you live with intensity.
There are certainly products that are born out of business opportunities or market needs, and they can be great. But the ones that truly connect with us on an emotional level are those that stem from a desire to express an idea. That kind of connection, that emotional bond, tends to last a lifetime, or at the very least, it turns into something we look back on with nostalgia.
In what ways does this authenticity play at Dosnoventa?
Dosnoventa® has evolved step by step, growing in a very natural way. We're still an independent company, with a solid team, which lets us steer our brand in any direction we choose. We never had a set goal, just an idea of how we understood urban cycling and the story we wanted to tell through it.
This vision has connected us with places we never imagined reaching - Japan, the USA, Korea and beyond. We've experienced a lot along the way - plenty of highs and some lows too. But we've kept faith in Dosnoventa's ethos through it all. After all, some battle scars just add character, right? (laughs)
Tell us a little bit about the culture behind Dosnoventa. How do you guys look to connect biking and the modern, urban lifestyle?
We've never fully identified with the traditional "cycling world." Our foundation has always been rooted in contemporary street culture and lifestyle. In a sense, we built a bridge from that mindset to cycling, rather than the other way around. Cycling became an expression of our urban lifestyle, rather than us approaching city life through the eyes of cycling.
We know that Dosnoventa revolutionised urban city cycling with its iconic fixed-gear technology. Why do you think fixed-gear is so special to the rider?
Riding a fixed-gear bike is a whole different experience, man. It's not merely a means of transportation; it's about forging a deep connection with the city and experiencing the bike in its purest form. You're not just getting from A to B, you're in the moment, using your skill and creativity. It's intense, but it's addicting. From the outside, riding a fixed-gear bike in the streets might look crazy, but once you get into it, you realize there's nothing better. And though it might not look like it, it's an incredibly efficient bike. It's that kind of thrill that hooks you... If you know, you know.
Dosnoventa is famed for its exquisite quality, and what we find interesting is that you guys really push the whole ‘aggressive city biking’ vibe. Why did you guys decide to tailor yourselves to this type of culture, rather than your traditional biking scene?
We got into fixed-gear cycling after being involved in skateboarding, snowboarding, and graffiti; activities with a whole cultural movement around them. When we started Dosnoventa, it was that mix of street culture, adrenaline, and the sense of belonging that defined us. Our cycling style has always been pretty aggressive—back in the day, we'd go out in group rides and we wouldn’t wait for anyone.
We've always been about quality products. We focused on making good bikes, not worrying too much about the cost, even if that meant a higher retail price. We're still committed to doing things this way, always looking for the best materials, frame builders, suppliers… All in all, the best way to achieve a high-end product. We pay attention to detail and test our bikes carefully by ourselves and through our ambassadors. These guys are beasts, and if the bikes can withstand them, they can withstand anything.
We see it more and more everyday that cycling has become a huge part of style, especially in fashion. Why do you feel cycling particularly has been adopted so much by the fashion community?
A bike is more than just a way to get around; it's a kick-ass accessory and a beautiful object that, when creating it, many creative and design decisions are involved as well as the technical ones. Maybe that's where it is similar to fashion. It's an object you create a bond with, make your own, and besides being a mode of transport, it can be a way to express yourself. I mean... if you're moving around the city, might as well do it "in style," right? Customizing your ride to match your vibe is dope too. Picking out handlebars, frame color, wheel set, all that - makes your bike one of a kind, and that's awesome because you see how everyone puts their own style on their bike.
How do you guys both cater to and resonate with this new, style driven crowd?
Dosnoventa isn't your run-of-the-mill brand, and it's not meant for everyone. We've always focused on developing our own style and hoped that there'd be people who connect with it. But even though we started out underground, we've always believed that Dosnoventa could be something bigger than just a niche thing. So, we understand that if the brand reaches a new style-driven crowd, it's actually because there's an intention for it to be that way. I mean, we think it's brilliant that people are drawn to Dosnoventa, whether it's for the product or the style.
To even further reinforce this, we see you collaborative with relevant fashion brands such as Maharishi, to name just one. Was it always a conscious decision to collaborate with these types of brands, or something that just organically happened?
It just kind of happened naturally, but looking back, we'd always pictured it that way. When we envisioned the brand, we had two main pillars: the technical side of launching a high-performance product, and the image side, where most of our influences came from fashion projects. We also wanted the brand to reach beyond the bike world and connect with other audiences that we identified with. In the case of Maharishi, it's one of our favorite brands and has been a major influence from the beginning. They have this concept of 'pacifist military design' and for us, a Dosnoventa® has always been some sort of 'urban weapon.' Collaborating with fashion brands, blending our artistic universes, and creating a common space to tell stories through bikes is just awesome. Besides, our product has its own vibe, but it's also a blank canvas for creative interpretation, which makes the collaboration process even smoother.
Now moving on to Japan. Bikers are everywhere here, and Tokyo especially is one of the biggest concrete playgrounds for cyclists. What do you guys love about the cycling scene here in Japan?
The fact that you can leave your bike outside, and no one steals іt (laughs).
We're not experts on Japan's entire cycling scene, but when it comes to fixed gear, it's definitely one of the best in the world. We've seen how the hype around fixed gear has had its ups and downs in different countries, but Japan has managed to keep a more stable and solid scene over the years.
There's a passionate and dedicated community, and a lot of effort has gone into creating and maintaining that culture. In fact, Japan already had a pretty large fixed gear community way back in the early 2000s. We're super excited to be a part of it and to see the generational change happening there.
The first time we came to Japan, we were blown away by the scene's level; lots of crews, incredible bikes, wild builds, etc. This might also be because the purchasing power or consumer habits are higher than in other parts of the world, but also because of how the key players in Japan's fixed gear scene have managed to communicate this movement to the local community. Fixed gear is still an underground thing, but as with many other subcultures, the Japanese have a way of embracing and elevating it like no one else.
You guys mention how Japan was a huge source of inspiration and a catalyst for Dosnoventa. Can you expand on this?
Looking back tо the start, when we were developing the brand, we had this cool collage оn the wall. It had a classic Porsche, a snapshot from a Keirin race, and a bottle оf Nikka From The Barrel (Japanese whisky). These bits and pieces helped shape Dosnoventa®, and funnily enough, two оf these inspirations were straight out оf Japan.
Keirin was a huge inspiration for us from the start. The devotion to bikes, the perfection, that simplicity, the racers' commitment… But at the same time it was also connected with the world of betting races. It's a fascinating mix of purity and vice, a balance of contradictions, you know? We really dig those classic Keirin steel bikes; the moment we saw them, we were hooked. In fact, we still have a bike like that in our catalog, the Dosnoventa Barcelona.
And of course, we were totally captivated by all the brands and street culture in Harajuku. We might have caught the tail end оf it, but we still keep stuff like Fpar tees from the Guerrilla GIP Store and those killer Philosophy Zine magazines from Wtaps. And hey, shout out to Japanese quality... without it, those tees would've fallen apart by now (laughs).
The way Tokyo/Harajuku brands tell stories, reimagine pop culture, and come up with totally wild and original concepts—infusing their philosophy into every product and action—has definitely influenced how we create.
Later on, Japan became our main market, and it still is today. In fact, the first bikes we sold outside Spain were in Japan, thanks to Brotures, our first dealer. They introduced us to the Japanese fixed gear scene and opened doors for us. Over time, Brotures has turned into our key ally, and closest partner always helping us pushing our brand forward. Our brothers Yudai Fukui and Naoya Imashiro, the owners of Brotures, have dedicated 15 years to Japan's fixed gear community.
Our first trip to Japan with the whole Dosnoventa crew in 2014 was a trip that none of us will ever forget. Seeing our bikes cruising around Tokyo and Osaka was surreal. It felt like everything had come full circle.
It feels as if Dosnoventa is the perfect bike for Tokyo. Lightweight, sturdy, and fast paced. It’s almost as if the design was made for Tokyo?
Definitely, our bikes are meant for the urban maze, and Tokyo is the perfect example. That's what we wanted to show with AMALGAM™, our latest video. Tokyo is a mishmash of different elements, an urban conglomerate with endless layers that can swallow you whole, and a Dosnoventa® could be the best way to get around. You know, when you have the right equipment, everything in life just falls into place.
Finally, do you guys have anything exciting coming up that our cycling enthusiasts need to look out for?
At the end of March, we're launching a capsule clothing collection designed for fixed-gear enthusiasts with NinePointNine®, a Hong Kong brand known for its technical apparel. We're also about to unveil some new colors, which we believe might be the best collection we've created to date. And we're also in the process of designing a new bike model that we aim to have ready by the end of the year, featuring some unique specifications and a fresh shapes and geometry. And last but not least, we're planning some trips again with the crew to some cities, so keep an eye out for us on the streets… We might just cross paths!
Text and Interview by Joe Goodwin