The Iconic Shades Adored by the Legendary Hikaru of BOUNTY HUNTER

As we've shown you before, Hikaru, director & co-founder of BOUNTY HUNTER is a name you can't miss when looking back at Japan's rich fashion history. With Hikaru's lifestyle revolving around punk & toys, BOUNTY HUNTER was one of the first stores/brands ever to fuse cultures so far apart, laying down the rails for many creatives in the years to come.
Hikaru started off as the driver for legendary London Nite organizer & DJ Kensho Onuki's, and one day saw a member of hip hop group SPANK 4 perform with a plastic bag over his head, a hole in the mouth, and shouting into a mic shoved in it. This was Hikaru's first encounter with SK8THING, who has a major impact on him. From there, Hikaru was a part of the legendary band Tokyo Sex Pistols, alongside Jun Takahashi of UNDERCOVER, and London Nite Regular DJ Katsumi "Katchin'" Katagiri. Takahashi got his name "Jonio" due to looking like Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, and Hikaru naturally got the name "Sydoru".
There are tons of topics we can talk about regarding Hikaru, but today we focus on one particular staple in his wardrobe: his BRIKO sunglasses. Apart from his very early days, any photo of Hikaru you find will have him sporting these iconic shades. He is one of the few Ura-Hara figures to have a style that almost never changes, and his sunglasses are no exception.
Founded in 1985, BRIKO is an Italian sportswear brand that specializes, contrary to Hikaru's punk style, in ski, cycling, and eyewear. Again, the fusion of different genres, Hikaru's "what's cool is cool" mentality is what makes him & BOUNTY HUNTER so important. While the BRIKO sunglasses are most closely associated with Hikaru, today he wears rather simpler shades, due to most BRIKO models he wore being discontinued, and seeing that hardcore punk members were often wearing Ray-Bans. To this day, Hikaru maintains his iconic style, never spotted without sunglasses.
Also random fun fact: Hikaru is said to be one of the nicest figures in the Ura-Hara scene.