The Pinnacle of Japanese Punk - An Intro to THE BLUE HEARTS

Japan's music scene is unlike any other.
From J-Pop classics sampled by rappers today, to modern-day musicians blending multiple genres, the culture is as diverse as it gets. Thanks to many pioneering artists, new artists can be as creative as possible. One of these artists is THE BLUE HEARTS, one of Japan's most iconic punk bands.
Formed in 1985, the band consisted of Hiroto Kōmoto [vocals], Masatoshi Mashima [guitar, vocals] Junnosuke Kawaguchi [bass, chorus], and Tetsuya Kajiwara [drums]. Often compared to bands like The Sex Pistols, THE BLUE HEARTS are said to be not only one of Japan's most important punk bands, but bands in general. What makes them truly unique and different from any other band of their time are their lyrics, which somehow blend the raw, pure energy of a child, and the metaphorical speech of a philosopher. Unlike many other traditional punk bands, their songs were rather about peace, love, and passion.
In 1987, they released one of their first Indie-singles, "Hito ni Yasashiku" [Be Nice to People], which began to catch the attention of young kids. In the same year, they released their most famous song to this day, "Linda Linda", their major debut. Instantly becoming a hit, the band became the center of the punk rock scene of Japan, almost creating their own version of "punk".
If you take a look at some of their live performances, you'll instantly see that their play style is truly one of a kind. Hiroto's twitchy dance moves have become a signature style for THE BLUE HEARTS, and get the crowd hyped up every time.
Unfortunately in 1995 the band broke up, but some of the members have taken part in other bands after, like THE CRO-MAGNONS or THE HIGH-LOWS.