The Sabukaru 10 Must-Buy Combini Items

Combinis are everywhere in Japan.
There’s like 57,000 of them. The infamous 7-Eleven, Family Mart, and Lawson make up the majority of these combinis, and while they are all fantastic, everyone has their favorite stores & snacks. Here is our selection of 10 must-buy combini items.
Probably the most iconic combini snack of all time. Short for Family Mart Chicken, this fried chicken munch might not be the healthiest choice, but is highly versatile. Whether you're running late to your morning meeting in a rush, it's 5am in Shibuya and you're piss drunk after being at a club for 8 hours, or you just simply want to eat the iconic thing, Fami-Chiki will never disappoint.
[Egg Sandwich]
Sandwiches are another hard choice. Out of hundreds of options, we chose the Egg Sandwich from Lawson. Anthony Bourdain approved this sandwich. Enough said.
[7-Eleven Eclair]
Sweets are another hard one. Try the eclair from 7-Eleven.
Another iconic bite is the cute Karaage-kun. Kind of like Lawson's version of chicken nuggets, there is nothing you can hate about Karaage-kun from its many flavors
[Sea Chicken Mayo Onigiri]
Onigiri is a tough choice. With hundreds of options to choose from, we decided Family Mart's Tuna Mayo onigiri is the one.
[Cream Puff]
This is another ultra-sweet snack your dentist will hate. Packed with all the creamy goodness.
[Convenience Wear Line Socks]
Japan was shocked with news that FACETASM designer Hiromichi Ochiai is teaming up with Family Mart to produce a combini collection. One of the most iconic pieces is the Line Socks.
[7-Eleven Baumkuchen]
While baumkuchen are typically pretty expensive in Japan, combini provide a cheap option. Bu think 7-Eleven does it best.
[Fami-Chiki Burger]
At first glance, these are just buns without any meat. But you buy them with a Fami-Chiki, and it becomes one of the best things you can get at a combini, elevating the Fami-Chiki experience to new heights.
[Lawson Coffee]
The quality you get for a ¥100 cup of coffee is crazy. We went with Lawson.