The Soundtrack of Youth - Kids Return by Joe Hisaishi

It doesn't have to be said that Takeshi Kitano has his name engraved in Japanese cinema history.

He & legendary composer Joe Hisaishi might be the most dynamic duo in the entirety of Japan's film timeline. The two have aligned for some of our favorite films ever, from the iconic & melancholic "HANA-BI" to the silently violent "Sonatine", the soundtracks elevate the film like no other.


Today we focus on the soundtrack to another classic movie directed by Takeshi, "Kids Return". Contrary to many of Takeshi's iconic movies, he doesn't star or make an appearance in this one. The story follows two high school students, Shinji and Masaru, both delinquents up to no good. Masaru is the more outgoing of the two, with Shinji being a bit more shy. After an incident with Masaru being avenged by one of their victims, they both decide to head to a boxing gym to train and get stronger. However, the smaller & quieter of the two, Shinji, turns out to be a natural at boxing, leading to mixed feelings between them. As Shinji gets better, Masaru decides to opt out and pursue a path in life as a yakuza member.


Their lives become more and more different, leading them to become separated. However, both their lives & paths start to go downhill, leading them to reconnect and finish with one of the greatest endings to a Takeshi Kitano film.


The movie actually marks Joe Hisaishi's return to cinema soundtracks after a 2-year hiatus. Contrary to other Takeshi movies which have a gloomier sound, the score features some more upbeat tracks, inspired by euro-beat and disco, as the main cast were young kids.


Hisaishi decided to not use too many live instruments, and instead use synthesizers like the YAMAHA VP1 and VL1, but always made sure to have 1 part with live-percussion, as he likes the fusion of human imperfectness & mechanical perfectness. After seeing the end credits scene of the film, Takeshi himself smiled and said "this movie exists for this last scene".