The Stylist and Fashion Director Pioneering Japan's City Boy Trend - AKIO HASEGAWA

In the past decade, one of the biggest trends in Japan's street & fashion scene is undoubtedly City Boy.
Not only is City Boy a fashion trend, but a lifestyle. The definition for the term is vague, but it basically is exactly how it sounds. Boys who belong in the city.
But Japan's City Boy style might differ from the city style of other countries. Stylist & fashion director AKIO HASEGAWA can be credited as being one of the pioneers of the lifestyle.
But who is AKIO HASEGAWA? Not too much info is publically available about him, but his look is for sure iconic. Having directed for many media platforms, commercials, and more, AKIO HASEGAWA is a very well-respected stylist & fashion director who was the fashion director of the legendary magazine POPEYE from 2012-2018. His mixture of earth colors, wide & relaxed silhouettes, classic sneakers, and many more aspects have caught the attention of not just the younger generation, but also many players who have been in the game, slowly becoming known as the City Boy style.
Through magazines mainly like POPEYE, this lifestyle has been introduced, and the City Boy style is one you'll see no matter where you are.
AKIO HASEGAWA has worked with Japan’s biggest and most legendary brands, not only styling but collaborating with them. Iconic silhouettes with New Balance, capsule collections with WTAPS, cozy sweats with Los Angeles Apparel, and the list of projects he has worked on is impressive.
After his departure from POPEYE, AKIO HASEGAWA teamed up with web magazine HOUYHNHNM to start AH.H, a new media that focuses on "the ordinary". The beauty in the ordinary might quite possibly be the best way to describe AKIO HASEGAWA and the iconic City Boy style of Japan.