Streaming has been a lifeline for YouTube, with over 10 million users engaging with live content on YouTube each day. Japan is no exception. In 2023, YouTube was used by 87% of people in Japan. In the same year, the platform was used by more than 97% of people in their twenties and thirties. Due to its global reach, YouTube is a platform where content varies significantly based on region/cultural preferences.
Unsurprisingly, YouTube has developed its own distinct culture in particular, with content that reflects the nation’s unique interests, values and media aesthetics. Even less surprising is the international interest in (and replication of) various Japanese YouTube trends. At the top of this list of niches, a trending and uniquely-Japanese phenomena sits: VTubers.
ⓒ 2016 COVER Corp.
Having long been the pioneer of computer graphics, games, animation and fan culture, Japan’s birthing of VTubers, or “Virtual YouTubers”, almost feels like a natural progression. Although this digital trend originated in Japan in the mid-2010s, it became an international phenomenon online during the 2020s, heavily aided by the global pandemic’s influence on various subcultures, “oshikatsu” (similar in meaning to English terms like ‘stan’ or 'stanning') and online gatherings and activities.
ⓒ 2016 COVER Corp.
First coined by Kizuna AI, the term “VTuber” refers to video content creators that stream using computer-generated avatars, usually in a visual style associated with anime, blending motion-capture technology and Japanese pop culture. Building on the foundation laid by traditional YouTube streamers and personalities, VTubing holds an extra special appeal due to its virtuality, allowing for innovative forms of creative expression and connection online.
Kizuna AIが人気を博すと共に普及していった「VTuber」という造語だが、、コンピューター・グラフィックスで生成されたアバターを使って映像コンテンツを配信するクリエイターを指し、アニメ風に描写されるビジュアル・スタイルが印象的で、モーションキャプチャー技術と日本のポップカルチャーを融合させている。従来のストリーマーが培ってきたノウハウと築かれてきた基盤の上に、バーチャルな存在であることによって見出される魅力が引き出す革新的な表現方法は、オンライン環境において、また新たな繋がり方を実現している。
In addition to Kizuna AI, there’s all sorts of star talent in the VTuber industry such as Houshou Marine, Kobo Kanaeru, or Gawr Gura, with the top 10 creators each charting over 2 million subscribers worldwide. And singer and virtual idol Hoshimachi Suisei is a “shooting star” amongst them.
Kizuna AIの他、宝鐘マリンやこぼ・かなえる、がうる・ぐら等、VTuber界には様々なスターが存在する。歌手兼バーチャル・アイドルの星街すいせいは、その中でも流れ星に劣らない煌びかなスターだ。
Hoshimachi Suisei first began posting as an independent creator in March of 2018. And by May 2019, she became affiliated with hololive production (arguably the most popular VTuber agency) through their newly created music label, INoNaKa Music, before joining the agency's main branch later that same year. By then, Suisei’s versatile talents were made clear and her authenticity, dedication, and genuine passion for idols connected her deeply to her fans, known as Hoshiyomi or Stargazers.

Coming from humble beginnings, Hoshimachi Suisei’s perseverance in the industry feels reminiscent of a more traditional idol’s tale. And as a fan of idols herself, she puts endless amounts of hard work and energy into her dream of performing at the Budokan one day.
Though, some ruthless and remorseless (albeit adorable) gameplay has garnered her the reputation of “Psycho Suisei” in some circles. In addition to both her revered gaming and performance skills, she is also a skilled visual artist, drawing her original character design herself. Hoshimachi Suisei has won several VTuber Music Awards since 2019, namely for top charting songs like Stellar Stellar, GHOST, and NEXT COLOR PLANET.
それとは裏腹に、VTuber活動の一貫として行う、かわいらしいとはいえ冷酷で容赦のないゲーム実況は、一部で「サイコパすいせい」と呼ばれる程の代物となっており、アイドルという枠に縛られない、様々なペルソナの魅せ様が支持を集め続ける要因となっている。また、ゲーム実況者とパフォーマーとしての評価以外に、衣装やメイクを自分でデザイン、そしてスタイリングする等、ビジュアル・アーティストとしての一面も持つ。そんな中でも、アーティストとしての功績は甚だしく、2024年3月にリリースした楽曲『ビビデバ』がスマッシュヒット。Billboard Hot 100では最高順位19位を記録した。
With her many skills, quirks, and deeply-relatable come-up story, Hoshimachi Suisei is as multi-faceted as 3D Virtual Idols come. Inspired by her fondness for art galleries and museums, in 2023 Suisei held an exhibition for Midnight Grand Orchestra, a music project with TAKU INOUE at Ikebukuro PARCO, making the transition from visitor to collaborator. So when she was offered an appearance in PARCO’s SPECIAL IN YOU project soon after, naturally she was overjoyed, anticipating all the new costumes, technical shooting methods, and possibilities to discover through a new means of communication and expression.
一癖二癖では留まらない星街すいせい。リアルな生身のアイドルにも負けず劣らずの多様性を持ち備えたバーチャル・アイドルだ。元々アートギャラリーや博物館が好きだったこともあり、2023年に池袋PARCOで開催されたTAKU INOUEとのコラボ企画「MIDNIGHT GRAND ORCHESTRA」では、来館者からコラボレーターへの転身も叶えている。その直後にPARCOのSPECIAL IN YOUの出演が決まった際は大喜び。新たな衣装スタイリングから撮影方法への挑戦まで、様々なアイデアが爆発する中で、また違った形でサポーターとの出会い/繋がりが実現できることに期待の胸を躍らせた。
This past autumn, she announced her first concert tour: Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 "Spectra of Nova". She’ll perform at the Saitama Super Arena on November 14th, the Ookini Arena Maishima on December 10th, and the Fukuoka Sunpalace on December 28th. And if you can’t make it to a tour date, you get even more familiar with Hoshimachi Suisei through her collaboration with PARCO's SPECIAL IN YOU project.
この秋、初となる国内ツアー「Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 ”Spectra of Nova”」を開催。11月14日(木)にさいたまスーパーアリーナ、12月10日(火)におおきにアリーナ舞洲、そして12月28日(土)に福岡サンパレスで公演。年末にかけて三都市で行われるツアーだが、足を運べない方々にも、PARCOのSPECIAL IN YOU企画を通して星街すいせいをより身近に感じることができる。
ⓒ PARCO.co.,Ltd.
Since the opening of Ikebukuro PARCO in 1969, the PARCO department store has introduced and engaged with various cultures, not only exclusive to fashion but also music, art, and theater. What started as ”LOVE HUMAN” in 2010, “SPECIAL IN YOU“ is an evolution of PARCO’s initiative in supporting young creatives that open new paths ahead.
1969年の池袋PARCOオープン以来、ファッションのみならず、音楽、アート、演劇など様々なカルチャーを紹介し、関わってきた。2010年の「LOVE HUMAN」から「SPECIAL IN YOU」に進化を遂げたコーポレートメッセージだが、応援の言葉に留まらない取り組みは未来を切り開く若き才能たちを数々支えてきた。
The “SPECIAL IN YOU“ initiative is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. While the cultural landscape was different a decade ago, creativity has evolved in unexpected ways, producing some of the most exciting creative talents. Increasingly multihyphenate, yet masterful in each craft, it is not easy being a breakout star these days. Ever so effortlessly, Hoshimachi Suisei does it all. The Japanese VTuber does not only break molds but redefines what content creators and idols look and feel like, which is more than enough reason to be the headline for this year’s “SPECIAL IN YOU”.
そんな「SPECIAL IN YOU」は今年で10周年を迎える。10年前とはカルチャー的な背景が大きく異なる一方で、クリエイティビティは予想だにしない方向に進化を遂げ、今まで以上にエキサイティングなタレントを輩出している。多芸多才でありながら、それぞれの芸に秀でる者で溢れかえっている昨今、ブレイクを果たすことは容易ではない。そんな状況下、星街すいせいは難なくこなす。VTuber界きってのスターは型破りで、クリエイターやアイドルのあり方を再定義する勢い。10周年特別企画の「SPECIAL IN YOU」の表紙を飾るに十分すぎる逸材だ。
PARCO presents SPECIAL IN YOU X Hoshimachi Suisei, which is the latest installment of the continued history of supporting the discovery of unique, original, new talent paving the way to the future.
10周年という節目に贈るSPECIAL IN YOU X 星街すいせいは、未来を切り拓くユニークで独創的な才能の発掘を応援し続けてきたPARCOの最新コラボ企画となっている。

Being the first VTuber of many things (from music festival performances to TV appearances) it is only fitting to have her be the first to be featured on the ongoing collaborative series. In the truest sense of the word, Hoshimachi Suisei is a shining star not only for the next generation but for creative expression as a whole.
音楽フェスから地上波テレビ出演まで、VTuberとしてあらゆる「初」を果たしてきた星街すいせい。そんな彼女がPARCOのSPECIAL IN YOUでまたしても「初」を成し遂げる。言葉のままに、星街すいせいこそこれからを担う世代のみならず、クリエイティブに関わる全ての者の輝けるスターなのだ。
Written by Vanessa Fajemisin
Edited by Ken Kitamura
Image(s) provided by:
ⓒ PARCO.co.,Ltd.
ⓒ 2016 COVER Corp.