Japan is one of the global epicenters of all things culture. From food to art, music to anime, some of the most influential and impactful things have come out of this country. Along with the endless list of subcultures that have shined here in Tokyo, one scene stands out to many of us, arguably the most important to ever see light: the street culture.
One of the things that solidified Japan’s status as a leading street country was the well known UraHara era. From the early 90s to the mid 00s, the UraHara era was not just a period of time but a scene, a community, and a whole culture itself. Brands like BAPE, UNDERCOVER, WTAPS and NEIGHBORHOOD all were born during this era, and expanded their horizons to the world to become who they are today. While these brands are some of the most iconic Japanese brands we know of today, at the time there were a countless number of labels and stores that were seeing the spotlight that never really made it out of the country.
Those of you fashion nerds might know some of these more low-key brands of the time. But most of the time even the biggest enthusiasts aren’t aware of the reasoning behind the success of these Tokyo brands. That comes to no surprise, as 99% of the information has never even made it out of Japan.
A key elements for a brand’s success today are their social media strategies. Influencers wearing certain pieces can decide the fate of an item, collection, or even the brand itself. But the UraHara era was much before Instagram or any other online platform became a part of the game. It was much more physical and direct, and people were directly influenced by people. Hiroshi “HF” Fujiwara, “2GO” NIGO, Jun “Jonio” Takahashi, it was names like them who impacted the entire generation of street kids.
But it wasn’t like now where everybody could see their favorite celebrities’ outfits. You couldn’t simply type in “@fujiwarahiroshi” on Instagram to see what they were doing that day. There were only a few ways you could actually find out what your idols were rocking: through magazine serializations like the “Last Orgy” series, going to parties, or luckily bumping into them in the UraHara neighborhood.
だが上記でも述べたように、好きな人の服装などを簡単にチェックできる時代ではなかった。@をつけて検索するだけで誰かの人生が覗き見できる時代が来るなど、当時は想像もしていなかっただろう。SNSがない当時、リスペクトしている人の情報を得る方法はとても限られていた。LAST ORGYなどの連載をチェックする時、パーティに行く時、もしくは裏原宿でばったり会えた時ぐらいだ。
One of these names you are guaranteed to come across from the UraHara period [if you do your research] is Egawa Yoshifumi, better known simply as “YOPPI”. From founding one of the era’s most important select shops/brand HECTIC, designing for his own brand Hombre Niño, modeling, a pro-skater & a member of the skate crew T19, being the center of Tokyo’s fixie bike scene & directing the iconic bike shop CARNIVAL, it might be harder to find something YOPPI wasn’t a part of at the time. He was even in some TV shows, commercials, and this iconic Snickers ad:
裏原時代を語る際、避けては通れない名前が一つある。「YOPPI」こと江川芳文だ。裏原宿を代表するセレクトショップ/ブランド「HECTIC」の設立者であり、Hombre Niñoのデザイナーであり、モデルであり、レジェンドスケートクルー「T19」所属のプロスケーターであり、ピストバイクショップCARNIVALのディレクターでピストバイクシーンの核心であり...むしろ彼が当時関わっていなかったことを探す方が難しいかもしれない。テレビやドラマ、CMなどにも出演し、どのシーンにも彼を知っている人はいただろう。
Take a look at any old street-related magazine, and you’re likely to find YOPPI in one of the pages. Whether it be as a model or as a designer/director, you can really see how big and how much of a legend YOPPI is. His brand [originally select shop] HECTIC saw great success, and was highly sought after by members of the UraHara community.
To add to his already countless roles as a designer, model, director, store owner, he was also a professional skateboarder and member of T19, one of the Tokyo’s legendary skate teams. Alongside other members Hiroshi Fujiwara, SKATETHING, Hiroshi Otaki and more, YOPPI & his crew would open many doors, and introduce skating to the street scene of Japan.
Later on, YOPPI would open CARNIVAL, “the” spot in Tokyo when it came to fixie bikes. In fact, YOPPI himself was pretty much the reason why there was such a large fixie bike community in Japan at the time. Almost every name you can think of associated with UraHara got their bikes at CARNIVAL. Not only was CARNIVAL a place to buy bikes, it was also a go-to spot for the fixie community to just gather and socialize. CARNIVAL made fixie bikes so big in Japan, that at one point road bike riders and police would team up to try and get them off the streets.
If this still doesn’t give you an idea of who YOPPI is and how important he is, we don’t know what to tell you. There is no one individual that has lived a life as unique and eventful as his.
But for the most of you who have realized how legendary he is, we bring you good news. The Sabukaru team was lucky enough to be able to sit down with YOPPI, and talk about the things that haven’t made it out of Japan, the things that even Japanese people don’t know. Check out what he had to say below.
We always start with the same question, could you please introduce yourself to the Sabukaru Network?
My name is Yoshifumi Egawa, I’m 49 and I run a brand called Hombre Niño, design for XLARGE, and do distribution for skateboards. I’ve always had a select shop mindset, and that's pretty much how I work right now.
芳文江川です。年は49歳で、今はHombre Niñoというブランドをやっていて、XLARGEのデザイン、スケートボードのディストリビューションもやっています。まあ割と昔からセレクトショップ気質の頭の考え方かなって感じで、いまもそんな感じで仕事しています。
When would you say you gained your passion for streetwear and street culture?
I started skating and going to Harajuku often when I was about 13. I would always go to a skate shop called STORMY. From that point on I basically dove into Harajuku culture and it kind of became my lifestyle. I’d say from around 9th grade I would always be in Harajuku hanging out with my street friends. I never really hung out with my school friends. Those people I met in Harajuku at the time are the people I still associate with.
Image via YOPPI’s Instagram
Was the scene smaller back then?
Yeah, there were really only two skate shops at the time, Murasaki Sports and STORMY. I started working part-time at STORMY when I was around 15, and ended up building a lot of people’s decks and would exchange information with them there. There was a café around the corner in front of Laforet and that was the place for people in the scene to hang out. Also from Inokashira-dori till Yoyogi became a pedestrian zone on Sundays so we would all skate there and that's where I met fashion models, MILKBOY, Jun “Jonio” Takahashi of UNDERCOVER, and Hiroshi Fujiwara as well.
What made you want to become independent after working at STORMY?
I’d say the biggest turning point was when I entered a skating competition in San Francisco in 1991. I had briefly understood since I was a kid that because Japan is an island country, you really need to go to the States to understand US culture. Since skateboarding culture was big in the US, I needed to go to the US if I really wanted to make it as a pro skater. At this competition called “Back To The City”, just seeing the overall vibe, the girls, and people of all different races was incredible and became a big turning point for me. As I participated in the competition, I would check out who was wearing what shoe, the styles of famous skaters and their girlfriends, it was like my eyes were constantly taking pictures of every scene I saw.
一番のターニングポイントは、91年にサンフランシスコの大会に一人で出た時ですかね。日本は島国だからどうしてもアメリカの文化のものは向こうに行かないとわからないし、スケートボードのプロになっても生活できないというのはなんとなく子供の頃からわかっていて。で、その時のBack To The Cityの大会の雰囲気やその大会にいる周りの女の子だったり、それこそ色んな人種の人たちを見るんですけど、その感じがたまらなくて。それがターニングポイントになって、大会に出ながら色んな人のファッションチェックしてて、誰がどの靴履いてて、あの有名なスケーターの彼女のファッションかっこいいなみたいな、もうずっと目がパチパチシャッター切ってる感じでした。
In terms of street and skate culture, what was the first project you started on your own?
Hitomi Okawa from MILKBOY reached out to me to start a brand, and that was my first project. The brand was called YTPO and it was a line under MILKBOY.
Prior to starting YTPO, did you have any fashion education or experience?
No, not at all. Everything was all self-taught.
What was YTPO short for?
I didn't really understand much at the time, so it wasn't really me who named the brand, it was Okawa-san. Y was for YOPPI and we decided to go along with my TPO [time, place, occasion], so that's how it was named.
How did this connect to PKG?
I was about 22 when I was working on PKG, and 19 when I was doing YTPO. After YTPO ended I quickly started a brand called REGULAR with three of my friends. I think that was around 1993, and HECTIC also started around 1993 even though to the public we said 1994. Co-founder Magara-san’s friend lived in New York, and we had him send a list of cool English terms. One of them was HECTIC, and that’s how we got our name.
A bit later, HECTIC slowly started becoming busy, and at first we stocked REGULAR too. But this gradually came to an end, and we fully moved on to focus on HECTIC. At this point HECTIC was just a select shop. We would go to Boston and New York about twice a month for buying purposes and slowly became more and more tired. So I would stop by arcades in Harajuku to play Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter. The buttons for those games were punch, kick, and guard. Magara-san said PKG is a good name, and we went with it.
Within the Tokyo street culture scene and UraHara, what phase was 1993?
It was still in the early stages. There was basically nothing, not even Supreme yet. Right around the time when NOWHERE, NEIGHBORHOOD and 40 PERCENT were starting up. The road around what is now Supreme Harajuku became a place for people like us who wanted a chance to start an independent store. More and more people would see this, and would also open their own stores. The street was originally a street filled with vintage stores, so everyone fit right in.
What was the atmosphere in Harajuku like back then? Why were people attracted to Harajuku?
Before us, there was store called LONDIS in a hidden ally behind where FTC is today. I kind of liked the idea of a small store that is hard to find, and at that store I was heavily influenced by SK8THING and he became the center of everybody, and attracted a lot of people around him. This led to everybody opening stores in what is known as UraHara today. Everybody opened their stores one by one and it was a friendly atmosphere even though it usually would be competitive. Maybe we were too childish, too friendly [laughs]. Then Hiroshi Fujiwara put everything together in one and solidified us as a culture. He was very talented in conveying, he had this literary talent like no other.
Even back then, did Hiroshi Fujiwara stand out, was he well-respected?
Yeah, I think the biggest factor was that everybody wanted what he would wear. It’s very simple and I was influenced by this as well. He was a DJ and did a lot of different things too, but the biggest factor was wanting whatever clothes or shoes he was wearing. Obviously there are other factors like his DJ mixes being clean and all, and everything kind of connects together, but what he was wearing is ultimately the biggest factor.
Hiroshi Fujiwara [left] and YOPPI [right]
When we take a look at old magazines, you pop up everywhere. What was your connection with things like Last Orgy and Hiroshi’s many brands?
昔の雑誌を見ているとYOPPIさんがよく出てきます。当時のLAST ORGYやヒロシさんの数多いブランドとはどういった関わりだったのですか?
I guess they were kind of like friends who I would skate with.
One of our favorite Last Orgy III volumes is when you guys all went to Fuji Q Highland. How did that happen?
私たちが特に好きなLAST ORGY IIIで富士急ハイランドに行く回があったと思うのですが、どういう流れであのメンバーで富士急に行くことになったのですか?少しお話しを聞かせてください。
They just asked me if I wanted to tag along with them like if we were to skateboard. I went because it just founded fun!
In terms of the brands you did in the 90s, what style of clothing were they?
It’s always been the way it is [laughs]. When I started PKG, I made a chambray shirt and the factory I used for that shirt is connected to the factory I use currently so it really hasn't changed much. So, we often collaborate with a brand called CORONA, and the factory for that is also connected with the factory for PKG.
What's the most important factor for you when making clothes?
In terms of what I focus on, I always say retro and new. I combine retro and new into something people haven’t seen even if it’s by misunderstanding or it just that it looks that way. Basically it’s casual wear and I know it can be labeled as bicycle wear or skate wear and what not, but to sum it up it is outdoor casual wear that is made for life in the city. If I just say it’s an outdoor brand, we can’t compete with other brands [laughs].
Has this not changed till this day?
Yeah, nothing’s changed. Like this shirt, there are zippers on the arm pits because I walk a lot and when you walk from your home to the station and get on the train you're already drenched in sweat, even during the winter because the train is so hot. So I kind of think of these functions off of that mindset. I try to make sure that my life doesn't become too easy. Once a brand grows, you tend to move by car a lot, so in order to think of these functions for riding bikes or motorcycles, I try to not live day by day too comfortably.
Speaking of bikes, how did Carnival start?
So I spent a large amount of time skateboarding in the 90s, and HECTIC was starting to become increasingly busy to the point where it became difficult to balance the two [but that didn’t stop me from skating]. Then in my 30s, this guy called Jovantae Turner released a video of him wheelieing around a corner. This left me in awe and was the spark of my passion for BMX. From the perspective of a BMX rider, people that ride road bikes look kind of frail, but every autumn I would have this urge to buy a bike and wanted a new one, so I bought a road bike influenced by friends. This was around the same time I saw the Jovontae video and I was wondering what type of bike he was riding, and found out it was a fixed gear bike. This opened my horizon for bikes, and I first wanted to find out what a fixie bike really was. So I talked to my friends about fixed gears, we were still newbies at the time. This led to us making our bikes single free and learning more about what fixed gears were. Then I became connected with a messenger in Tokyo who would always place 1st or 2nd in races, and I was able to get frames for cheaper and have access to the parts that aren’t on display usually.
This started my love for fixie bikes, and I wanted to wheelie but I was too afraid to go out in the streets with no brakes. So my friends and I started with both brakes, took one off, and then both. I would always practice wheelies, but since I didn't have a teacher I pushed it too much and hurt myself. And then my obsession with Italian frames and Italian biking culture kicked off. I was very much into Italian bikes like the Campagnolo, the designs and next thing you know I went to Italy for buying purposes which led to the start of CARNIVAL.

Is the guy you went to Italy with also a Messenger?
No, Hajime Tachibana and I were talking about how we desperately needed to go to Italy, so we asked Luca from SlamJam to introduce us to a collector in Italy. Then we went to Italy to buy for CARNIVAL with all of the money we made from HECTIC. This kind of goes back to when I was first in awe about Italian bikes. It didn't really make sense that I wanted to wheelie but was also into Italian bikes [laughs]. I was very into Campagnolo parts and frames. The name CARNIVAL comes from when my friends and I would practice wheelies with around 5, 6 people and the atmosphere felt like it was a carnival. That's where I got the name.
Where was CARNIVAL located?
On the second floor of W-BASE. It was where all the fixie bike nerds would gather and socialize.
Compared to Japan, it seems like the fixie bike popularity was not as big in the west.
Yeah, it was mostly only within MASH SF and the people around that.
How you could move quicker and once you arrived at your destination, you could have fun with them like a skateboard seemed to be the entertaining part of it. And now it’s evolved and there are a lot of BMX-type bikes that have a fixed gear right? The size and all, it's different. What was important to me was doing wheelies and other tricks with the Italian frame and drop handle because that's what Jovantae Turner did. That was super cool.
We heard a lot of people in the scene bought their fixie bikes at CARNIVAL, is that true?
Yeah, when everybody came to the store their eyes lit up like kids at a toy store and they were all in awe including myself. When I would go to Italy to buy for CARNIVAL, I would go to this collector named Giuseppe’s garage under his home and would look for frames while covered in dust. When I was there, I was definitely in the same state as everybody when they came to the store.

Did other people who were part of UraHara scene buy fixie bikes at CARNIVAL?
Because Hiroshi-san was very good to me, I personally brought him a special bike as a gift. This led to him becoming obsessed as well and coincidently, Hiroshi-san’s dad was a Keirin rider, so it all kind of clicked. Because fixed gear bikes are hard to ride, it didn't just end with me selling the bike and the customer buying it. I would share my knowledge and experience with them on how to ride the bikes and other know-how as well. I think this is the reason why people still come up to talk to me about CARNIVAL.
Hiroshi credits YOPPI as being a leader of the fixed bike scene.
So it wasn't just an ordinary bike store.
Yeah, but this was probably the two years where we were looked down the most by people in the road bike community. Maybe not even 2 years? But more and more people got into fixed gear, and there was a lot going on surrounding it.
During the time you ran CARNIVAL, did you have a fixie bike crew kind of like a skate crew?
We did it with the same T19 crew. It became word of mouth within the scene how the skate crew T19 became a fixie bike crew. But this led to people carrying their skateboards while riding fixie bikes today, so I’m happy that this part translated to today’s people. Back then people thought I was going to die because we had no brakes. People still didn't understand what fixed gear was.
We heard you made original frames too, but how did that wind up happening?
I wanted to make things you could only get at CARNIVAL! There were no places on a retailer scale that were making their own frames, so I designed them kind of with the same mindset as designing a skateboard.
Is there a particular CARNIVAL frame or bike that means a lot to you?
The very first time I went to Italy to buy bikes was very memorable, especially De Rosa! When I got to their main store, De Rosa himself was just there, and I asked if they had any Pist bikes, and he showed me their stock in the basement. He asked “This one?” and I was like “Yes!”. There were 5 total, but I didn’t want to be the guy who buys everything, so i only bought 3 [laughs]. It all happened in like 5-10 minutes.
初めてイタリアに買い付けに行った事です。印象的だったのはDE ROSA!本店の入り口にDE ROSA本人がいきなり居てピストフレームありますかって?聞いたら地下の倉庫に案内してくれました。「これがいいのか?」「はい!」みたいな。5本あったのですが、買い占めるのもどうかと思い3本購入しました(笑)。ものの5分-10分の出来事です。
Do you have a go-to bicycle right now?
I just built this one by BROOKLYN MACHINE WORKS. I had the frame with me for a while but this bike is so hard to put together so I had to go on Mercari, Amazon, and Cycle Paradise to find the parts.

Have you ever done any bicycle related collaborations?
I did a collab with Hombre and W-BASE a couple times. It was more of a OEM type thing though. I still make bikes, like the Bathing Ape bike, I made that too.
How did that come about?
Bape reached out to me to do a capsule collection and I was thinking about what do, and decided to make kind of a Bape Racing concept BMX bike.
Could you tell us a funny or memorable moment from CARNIVAL?
I would have to say when police would wait on both streets next to CARNIVAL, and stop all of us who were riding fixies. At one point, they would literally throw nets at us like fish to stop & catch us [laughs].
We heard you also worked at Supreme as well.
After HECTIC disbanded due to selling our copyright, it kind of hit me that this wasn't mine anymore. Around that time my kid was born, so I figured I needed a job. I asked a friend from ONEGRAM if there were any jobs, half-jokingly. He was surprised but offered me a job at a new Supreme store that was opening in Shibuya.
What was it like for a person of your caliber to be working the store front of Supreme Shibuya?
When I got asked by a customer to bring a Wallabee in his size, I would put the laces through, and he recognized me and in shock said “Wait!? Why are you working here, I came to buy Wallabees because you were wearing them!” and I would just kind of acknowledge that. Since we all lost our jobs after HECTIC disbanded, I felt that I had to set an example by working because working in retail is tough right? Working in retail, it made me realize that HECTIC was special, it was a lot different from other companies. A lot of us made a lot of money too so once we lost our jobs, it really hit us hard mentally. We didn't really know what to do next and there was self-doubt if we could work at a normal company. I thought after working here, I would be able to move on to my next step. Originally I was going to quit in 3 months and just kind of help out for the store launch, but before I realized it I was there for 2 years.
Working in retail makes you appreciate street culture a lot more afterwards.
I basically did the opposite of that. When I did HECTIC, I worked at the storefront a bit too but I was never punctual and would always arrive later than the store opening time. So after the disbandment and when I started working at Supreme, they would tell me that I can’t be late and if I was late twice I would be fired. So this was also a personal test on how well I could adjust socially outside of HECTIC. Although setting an example for other former members of HECTIC was important, this might have been the most valuable lesson from working in Supreme because there was self-doubt within myself if I could adjust properly. So this motivated me to work hard and I ended up being late zero times, and didn't skip any shifts as well. But in exchange, I didn’t go out for about 2 years at night because I was too tired after work. It was still a good experience though.
Till this day, Japan has a large number of Supreme stores compared to the rest of the world, why do you think this is the case?
ONEGRAM and HECTIC would go buying together and the CEO of ONEGRAM at the time understood the potential of Supreme in its earliest stages. Back then, there was only the one store in New York and because of the fact that it was a skate shop, the recognition as a clothing brand was bigger in Japan compared to the U.S. So he looked into that and made more stores in Japan. In the beginning, we stocked Supreme at HECTIC as well, but when the first Daikanyama store was about to open it gradually faded away from HECTIC. The number of stores increased, and the few years before the Osaka store opened, Kate Moss was used for the photo tee series and this lit the fire on the brands popularity and led to the 100 percent sell rate. That was the start of a new era.
What was the next step after working at Supreme for you?
Since I always liked Supreme, I fit into the store smoothly. Also I thought that it was a good idea to make connections at the store for the next step in my career. I guess that's the case for everybody, kind of a gateway I guess. I mean things are a bit complicated in my case because the process was reversed but because James Jebbia was a genius and ran the brand properly so I was able to study from that. I was able to learn that just having momentum doesn't lead to success and after learning all this I started thinking about my next step. I didn't want to quit designing clothing so I would work on Hombre while working at Supreme. I felt that if I quit designing even once, I won’t be able to get back into it and thought this was my strength as well. But since I worked at the store from morning till night and because I was the oldest, I would work the hardest so I didn't have the energy to work on Hombre after work, but I still felt that I needed to push through so I would work on Hombre as well. After experiencing these 2 years nothing really scared me anymore because I couldn't be late and had a child to take care of. I just felt I had something I needed to overcome, needed to accomplish.
In a way, was this the first time you felt somewhat under pressure?
Yeah, I mean it was still very comfortable for me, I became more convincing as well. And in a way I was able to humble the part of me that was getting cocky so I guess they made me into a proper person. Looking back on it, I can say this but in the moment, I was just struggling to make it 1 day at a time.
Did you start working a lot on Hombre NiÑo more after Supreme?
I forgot to add this but for fashion research purposes, it was the perfect environment because around 1,000 people would come to Supreme every day and I would learn what type of fashion was popular. I wouldn't say I used the opportunity, but I was able to absorb what was going on in the scene for designing.
For people that don't know about Hombre NiÑo, how would you explain the brand?
I would say we make clothes that are mature but also with a childish twist, a mix of retro and new.
What led to your passion for graphic design?
I had a lot of friends that did graffiti and also FUTURA and other names led to my passion and also I just genuinely enjoyed it. I really liked new artists and didn't really care if it was in trend or not and because I was a skater, that “wow” factor was important for me. Also I would cherish the connections that I would make. So I would reach out to graphic artists to work with me but because I would be older than them, they would basically ask me to do whatever I wanted. So I would just work on placement and color blocking because Artists usually have a better idea of what to do and I knew that my adult/childish ideas wouldn't really make sense.
Considering your background, do you look at Hombre NiÑo as a Harajuku brand?
I want to ask that myself, I think my name kind of floats on its own, so the issue going onward would be how to put the focus on the product & brand. I think it is not interpreted properly, after 20 years I don't think the youth of today have any thoughts on Hombre Nino. Despite this I try to convey the brand by holding exhibitions with younger brands in Tokyo but I'm 50 already so there's a limit to try to fit in with today’s youth. But eventually I would like my son or someone that understands me to design for Hombre Niño.
How old is your son?
He is 13 right now, so he is about the same age as Hombre Niño so that's something to think about. The name of the brand is because of my son so that's another reason why I want him to take on the brand. I mean how many years do I have left right? I’m 50 right now so I don't think there are any streetwear brands that are run by a 70 year-old so that's something I want to do.
We know you still walk through Harajuku everyday but as a person that has been a part of the Urahara movement, does it still feel special to you?
When I was younger there were definitely more chances, but now with social media it became easier to promote your brand so there is no need to be based in Harajuku. So in that sense, it doesn't hold the same power as it used to. Despite this, I recently got an office for the first time in 10 years. Before that, I would just have meetings at Starbucks and stuff. But it’s good to see what people are wearing and what the atmosphere in the city is like, so I prefer this more than looking at social media on a screen.
We’re near the end of the interview but what is your relationship with the music scene?
I can’t live without it. I started DJing even before I started making clothes. I was talking to my senpai the other day and he reminded me about how I was a DJ before anything else, and I had a moment of self-realization that this is the reason why I continue to DJ till this day. DJing, clothes, bikes, and skateboarding, they all kind of connect.
When did you start DJing?
I started when I was 18. Do you know what MAJOR FORCE is? I DJ’d for the first time with Takagi Kan-san’s MAJOR FORCE anniversary party at GOLD. But I ended up putting Stevie Wonder’s “I wish” at 45 rpm instead of 33 rpm because I was so nervous. I thought I totally messed up, but people danced to it too, which was nice.
18ですね。メジャーフォースってわかります?高木完さんのところでメジャーフォースの何周年かのゴールドっていうパーティーで始めたんですよ。そのゴールドのアニバーサリーで初めてDJしたんですよ。なのにスティーヴィーワンダーの「I WISH」を33回転のはずなのに45回転でかけちゃって。初めてで緊張して。完全にやっちゃったと思ったんですけど、それでもみんな踊ってくれて。ビビりましたけど(笑)。
We always ask this question near the end of an interview, but what is your go-to izakaya or restaurant?
So there is this place called J-COOK that is owned by a married couple. They mix French countryside cuisine with some American elements. It’s very nice, you will probably be surprised because there aren’t a lot of places like this.
Do you have any last words for the younger generation?
Just as Scha Dara Parr says, let’s continue the party, for ever and ever and even beyond.
Thank you so much for your time today!
Interview by: Casey Omori & Adrian Bianco
Text: Casey Omori
Interview Images: Natsuki Ludwig
Magazine Scans From Sabukaru Archive
Videos: T19 YouTube