Face Oka – The Artist Putting a Smile Back on Peoples Face

Art is a place where people’s emotions can spill onto a canvas. Often a dark place, it has been a medium for creatives to express their thoughts in a greater means than just words. An escape from reality, art can transport us into a new universe and add a new perspective on things, and in this sometimes-dark society can add a sense of irony, humour, and energy to topics that are controversial and swept under the rug.
One artist invites us into this brighter perspective. A man who playfully incorporates a looming sense of darkness yet intertwines it with a powerful comical essence that helps to create a world which orbits the two sides of the spectrum. Meet Face Oka, the Tokyo-born and based artist putting a smile back on people’s faces – quite literally.
世間の暗がりと明るみのバランスを表現し続けているアーティストがいる。迫り来る闇の予感と圧倒的なコミカルな描出の二軸を備え持つ世界観を、遊び心のままにアートにする男だ。FACE OKA は東京生まれ東京在住のアーティスト、人を笑顔にするアートを得意としている。
Face, born in 1984, is a well-respected artist that has collaborated with the likes of BEAMS, Goodhood, adidas, and even Disney. His work combines a colourful energy with a sense of expression that is instantly recognizable as his work. His signature way of pulling out certain expressions in the faces of his paintings using only the eyes and mouth opens us up to a three-dimensional perspective of emotions and narrative.
1984年に生まれ、今や東京を代表するアーティストの一人として BEAMS 、Goodhood 、adidas、そして Disney とのコラボレーションを果たしている。カラフルな色使いとシンプルかつ特徴的な似顔絵のスタイルは一見二次元に見えるが、FACE の感受性が物語る感情表現とストーリーテリングは、キャンバスに描写された絵を三次元にも思わされる。
They say less is more, and this has never been so accurate with Face’s work. Beautifully simplistic, yet telling a story that is expansive and deep, his work, although cartoonish, has a sense of morality and depth that you would usually find in a novel. Up to this point Face Oka has translated the world around him into a comical style, inspired by adverts and cartoons. This can be seen in the dark outlines of his work.
「少ない方が豊か」という表現ほど FACE OKA の作風に似合う言葉はないだろう。美しくシンプルかつ深みを感じさせるストーリー性は時に道徳的な問題を問い、コミカルな見た目とは裏腹に奥深い小説の重みをももつ。広告のチラシからカートゥーンのキャラクターまで、 FACE OKA が目にしたものは黒いアウトラインを始めとする彼のスタイルに訳されてきた。
Often reduced to just shades and graphical shapes, the figures in his artwork have a cartoonish aspect to them, although also sometimes are seen more realistic. You can recognize a Face piece by his undeniably iconic facial expression. Ultra-simple yet adding in such a comedic factor, the smiley faces and googly eyes dose everything with a sense of humour. The added goofiness to his work opens us up to a reality parallel to the stress of today and reminds us that not everything needs to be so serious.
His work mainly pokes fun at how sex-driven consumerism has become. A dark topic, but again Face allows us to see it through a comical lens. With bubblegum skin adding to his cartoonish direction, Face frequently paints pin-up girls and posed models with his signature faces adding a lighthearted filter.
FACE OKA の作品の多くは性的欲求主導と化したコンシューマリズムを題材にしている。タブーな話題にも感じられるが、これをもコミカルな視点で語るのが FACE OKA のスタイルだ。ピンクの風船ガムを連想させる肌の描写を始めとし、今回はピンナップガールやポーズを決めるモデルをモチーフとした絵を新しく発表した。
Other work includes figures, merchandise, and clothing, all incorporating his traditional faces. Although, Face is set to branch out and experiment with his style in his upcoming projects, releasing on Avant Arte on September 24th. Ahead of this much-anticipated drop, we caught up with Face to talk about his inspiration, his new direction, and his connection with art.
フィギュアから衣類まで、FACE OKA 特有の似顔絵を搭載したマーチャンダイスも期待できる。2022年9月24日に AVANT ARTE とのコラボレーションとして公開/発売予定の今プロジェクトだが、これを期に未だ見ない新しいスタイルにチャレンジした事を明かす。FACE OKA のインスピレーションから新しいスタイルに辿り着くまでの過程について聞く。
Could you please start off by introducing yourself to the sabukaru Network?
I go by face, and I’m an artist. I’m based in Japan, but my work can be found around the world. I make it a point to try things that peaks my interest.
What was your first interaction with art?
I liked drawing since I was very little, so I don't really remember when exactly (laughs).
Your illustration style is so simple, yet so unique. How did you establish this style of yours?
It's a similar mentality to how graffiti artists tag their work. It's a result of my desire to let the world know, "I'm here." I also liked imagining and drawing my own characters as a child, so there's an element of chance, too.
Could you tell us about your multicultural background and how it has shaped your style?
To be honest, my background hasn't really influenced my style (laughs). My parents loved to travel abroad, so I had the chance to experience other cultures at an early age. I suppose American culture has had some influence over me (laughs).
What are some of your influences & inspirations when it comes to your art?
The 38 years of living on this earth are my source of inspiration. As a basis, I don't ever want to put out lies in my work, so when I get inspired to start on a new piece, I try to research the subject matter I want to paint about.
Is there anything specific that you always keep in mind when creating new work?
I don't use colors I don't like. My subjects have very simple faces, so I try to delineate the narrative through composition (although the composition itself is constructed by feel, too (laughs)).
You’ve collaborated with countless names both in and out of Japan, from HUMAN MADE®︎, adidas, BEAMS, GOODHOOD, and even Disney. What are some of your most memorable collaborations?
過去にはHUMAN MADE®︎、adidas、BEAMS、GOODHOOD、ディズニーなどを初め、数多くのコラボレーションを行っています。特に思い入れの強いコラボレーションはありますか?
Having the honor to work with NIGO®︎ for HUMAN MADE®︎ is still one of the best experiences I've had so far. Other than that, traveling around the world has given me countless memories.
HUMAN MADE®︎でNIGO®︎さんとお仕事できたことは僕な中ですごい経験をさせてもらいました。それ以外だとお仕事の一貫で海外に色々行けたことがいい思い出です。
Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?
I've always loved Comme des Garçons, so it would mean a lot to me if I ever get the chance to work with them.
You’ve teamed up with AVANT ARTE to release a selection of new prints. Could you explain how this project came to life?
今回AVANT ARTEと一緒に新しいプリントをリリースされるかと思います。このプロジェクトはどのようにして実現されたのですか?
They took an interest by seeing my work in the gallery I'm affiliated with. I got a DM through Instagram after, and the rest was history.
The prints being released seem to explore some new waters regarding art style. Could you explain the story behind them?
It's a style I've wanted to try for a while now, and it's a result of utilizing my experience over the years and countless trials and errors. I simply did not have the technical skill to realize this style until now. In discussing what AVANT ARTE wanted out of this collaboration, they took an interest in a particular work similar to this style, so we went ahead and explored further. From here on out, you can expect more works that merge my previous style of expression and this newly acquired technique from me.
この話のときにどのような作品が欲しいかAVANTE ARTEに聞いたところ、過去にやったことがあるこの新しいスタイルを選ばれたので、そうしました。
Who are some artists that inspire you? What about some younger artists that you are looking at right now?
I used to work for Stüssy, so artists from the late 90s to the early 2000s have had a huge influence on my body of work, but dadaism has had as much impact as an artist. I'm not really up to date with what the younger generation is up to, but I do like checking out random foreigners' work on social network platforms that ooze their personal style.
Your illustrations are in a sense, close to that of manga or comics. Do you personally have any favorite manga to read?
I'm a big fan of Akira Toriyama, and I remember drawing scenes from his manga and showing it to my classmates back then (laughs). I also like manga that draw an impeccably balanced amount of inspiration from Taiyo Matsumoto and Katsuhiro Otomo's styles. Otherwise, if we're talking about simple reading pleasure, my favorite has to be "The Ping Pong Club" by Minoru Furuya.
一番影響を受けているのは鳥山明さんの作品です。昔学校でよく描いて友達に見せてました笑 またそれ以外に松本大洋さんや大友克洋さんの「間」をうまく表現している漫画は好きです。あとは普通に読むのが好きな漫画の1番は「稲中卓球部」という漫画です。
Do you have any advice for the younger generation?
It's important to make it a point to do everything that sparks your passion. Although it may seem like it, social media is not the end all be all, so find your passion and build on it.
Make sure to head over to AVANT ARTE to check out the release of FACE OKA’s upcoming Water makes up most of the human body artwork.
Realised in 4 fluorescent finishes, each painting releases in an edition of 40 on September 21 exclusively via AVANT ARTE