Eleonore Bos

Running Toward Oakley and Satisfy's Newest Collaboration : “Equipment for Our World”

Eleonore Bos
Running Toward Oakley and Satisfy's Newest Collaboration : “Equipment for Our World”

Sport, and especially running, is a medium that drives self-transcendence and personal progress, whether in pursuit of performance or simply the joy of practice. This concept of progress is also central to the creative dynamic of the brand Satisfy [@satisfyrunning].

スポーツ、特にランニングは、パフォーマンスの高みの追求、もしくはシンプルに積み重ねから成る喜びであれ、自己超越と進歩を促すミディアムである。この進歩というコンセプトは、Satisfy [@satisfyrunning]のクリエイティブ・ダイナミックの中核でもある。


Founded in 2015 in Paris by Brice Partouche, a child of the Alps and a passionate runner, Satisfy stands out for its ambition to create garments that enhance performance by minimizing obstacles to running. This approach is made possible through a test-and-learn strategy based on market feedback and insights from athletes, aiming to solve real-world challenges in the sport through innovative design.

This methodology grants the brand a remarkable capacity for innovation and the development of intelligent technologies and materials that elevate the athletic experience and support peak performance.



Images from Satisfy IG [@satisfyrunning]


It is from this shared passion for innovation, research, and athletic performance that the collaboration with the iconic eyewear brand Oakley [@oakley] was born.



Visual from former Satisfy x Oakley collaborations


Oakley has established itself as a pioneer in innovation and R&D, crafting models that serve both comfort and performance. The brand quickly became a sponsor of top athletes across numerous disciplines, constantly pushing the boundaries with high-performance models. Oakley captivated the public with historically significant designs, such as the "Over the Top", the legendary, alien-inspired performance eyewear famously worn by athlete Ato Boldon at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.



Whether it's James Marsden as Cyclops in X-Men wearing the Oakley Penny, Dennis Rodman rocking the Oakley Sub Zeros off the court, or NBA legend Michael Jordan with the Oakley Romeo, these iconic figures have all sported Oakley shades, drawn in by the brand's comfort and cutting-edge innovations.

X-MENのサイクロプス役でPenny(ペニー)を着用したジェームズ・マースデンから Sub Zero(サブゼロ)を愛着したデニス・ロッドマンまで、そしてバスケットボール界のレジェンド、マイケル・ジョーダンが着用したことでも有名なRomeo(ロメオ)など、時代の偉人たちは皆オークリーを身に付け、快適性に留まらない最先端技術が組み込まれたデザインは、欠かすことができないものと化していった。


In celebration of the 2024 Olympic Games, sabukaru was invited to Paris by Oakley to embrace the thrill of sport at its highest level. The journey began at Oakley’s nearly legendary Exoplanetary Bunker, an architectural vault brimming with the brand’s history and innovations.



Entrance of the Oakley Exoplanetary Bunker located at Bourse, Paris during the 2024 Olympics.


Within its walls, stories of iconic models that have shaped the world of sports were unveiled, each one as a testament to Oakley’s dedication to performance. 


Newest collections were also introduced such as the Born to Rewild collection reconnecting untamed spirit of adventure with cutting-edge design, seamlessly blending sport and lifestyle. Standout pieces like the Plantaris eyewear and Latitude Flex Vest redefine innovation, harnessing the raw power of nature while effortlessly adapting to the challenges of modern urban life.

また、スポーツとライフスタイルをシームレスに融合させ、飼いならせない冒険心と最先端のデザインを再び結びつける「Born to Rewild」コレクションなどの最新コレクションも発表された。Plantaris(プランタリス)アイウェアやLatitude Flex Vest(ラティテュード・フレックス・ベスト)の様な傑出したアイテムは、革新性を再定義し、自然から成るパワーを利用しながら、我々現代人が直面するであろうシティ・ライフの課題に難なく適応する。


Plantaris Eyewear from the Born to Rewild Collection

Plantaris Eyewear and Latitude Flex Vest for the Born to Rewild Collection


The Inner Spark collection was also put in the spotlight as the event collection designed at the occasion of the Olympics to enhance athletes’ performance. Ignited by the real stories of athletes, this collection celebrates the inner battles that turn doubt into drive and vulnerabilities into victories, featuring bold new frames worn by icons like Kylian Mbappé and American surfer Caroline Marks.

「Inner Spark」コレクションは、オリンピックを機に、アスリートのパフォーマンスを高める為にデザインされたコレクション。アスリートたちのリアルなストーリーからインスピレーションを得たこのコレクションは、疑念が原動力に、弱みが勝利の糧に変わる内なる戦いを称えるもので、内新作のフレームがサッカー・スター、キリアン・ムバッペやアメリカきってのプロ・サーファー、キャロライン・マークスといった時代のアイコンの着用が見られる。


Sphaera from the Inner Spark collection


At the Bunker, the rare opportunity arose to witness the medal ceremonies of various Olympic champions, including French surfer Kauli Vaast and two-time Gold medallist Alex Yee, marking a special moment that highlighted the deep connection between athletes and the gear that supports their peak performance.


An insider’s look was provided into the cutting-edge technology driving the future of performance gear, including a demonstration of Oakley’s laser-cut lens technology. The technology is a testament to the precision and craftsmanship that goes into every pair, pushing the boundaries of innovation. The machine gives athletes visiting the bunker the chance to choose from seven exclusive lens shapes, each with its own size and design with the entire customization process taking just 1 minute and 40 seconds.



One of the standout moments of the trip was an exhilarating run with the Satisfy team, followed by an exclusive preview of the highly anticipated collection from the Satisfy [@satisfyrunning] and Oakley [@oakley] collaboration, titled " Equipment for Our World", released on October 14th, 2024.

イベント当日開催されたSatisfy企画の爽快なランニング・イベントの後、2024年10月14日に発売される「Equipment for Our World」と題された待望のSatisfy[@satisfyrunning]とOakley[@oakley]のコラボレーション・コレクションの独占プレビューが行われた。

The “Equipment for Our World” collection is all about Satisfy’s and Oakley’s shared vision of creating versatile gear for the modern explorer. Inspired by the need to adapt, protect, and perform, this lineup effortlessly blends cutting-edge tech with everyday functionality.

The highlight of the collection needs to be The Plantaris eyewear.

「Equipment for Our World 」コレクションは、現代の冒険家の為の汎用性の高いギアを作るというSatisfyとOakleyの共通のビジョンが具現化したものだ。適応、保護、そして実行のキーワードからインスパイアされたコラボレーションは、最先端技術と日常的な機能性/快適性を難なく融合させている。

コレクションのハイライトは、なんといってもPlataris eyewear(プランタリス・アイウェア)だろう。


It’s sleek, lightweight, and features Oakley’s Prizm™ lens tech for crystal-clear vision in any setting. From the trails to the city streets, this collection has your back, offering comfort, style, and just the right amount of edge for whatever comes your way.


On the occasion of the release, we had the opportunity to interview Brice, who shared the story behind Satisfy, his ambitions, and the genesis and evolution of the collaboration with Oakley. He even gave us some tips on getting into running, something we might just take up.


Hi, nice to meet you.


Can you please introduce yourself and explain your position within Satisfy to our sabukaru readers ?


Hi, I’m Brice, Founder and Creative Director of SATISFY.


Running has seen a significant resurgence in recent years, both as a competitive sport and as a lifestyle activity. From the rise of marathons and ultra-marathons to the popularity of casual running clubs, it's clear that this discipline has captivated a broad audience.


For those unfamiliar with the brand, can you tell us how Satisfy came about?


The idea of SATISFY came up during a run I had in 2014 where I experienced my first “High”. I was inspired to bring this feeling to as many people as possible through gear that is designed for minimal distraction and maximum performance.

SATISFYのアイデアは、2014年に私が初めて 「ハイ 」を体験した時に思いついた。この感覚を、できるだけ多くの人に味わってもらいたいと思って、その為にパフォーマンスを最大限に引き出せる阻害物を排除したウェアを作りたいと思って。


What about your magazine, "Possessed"? Did the brand or the magazine come first? Why did you choose to start a magazine, and what subjects do you cover?


Possessed launched a few years after SATISFY as a way for us to contribute to running culture outside of pure product and through a tone of voice that was opinionated and introduced new POVs to what a running publication could be.


We often talk about the exhilarating mix of adrenaline, dopamine, and endorphins that you get after a great sports session, leaving you feeling on top of the world. How would you define a good run, and how does it make you feel?


When I can, I like to escape from the city and hit the trails closest to Paris. That often means heading to Meudon forest in the southwest or up north at the Montmorency forest. To me, running is more than just a way to stay “fit”, it’s an opportunity to escape from the hustle of daily life and to get away even just for a few hours.



Running has evolved from a simple sport discipline to a lifestyle that fosters community and personal growth. How do you perceive this phenomenon, and what do you think has driven this change?


I think it comes down to wanting to connect with people that are culturally like minded through a medium that is naturally collective. Now that the “rules” of running have been broken, people are more comfortable running in their own communities and each in their own individual ways. What we’ve always said as a brand is that there is no “right” way to run - what’s important is to get out there and enjoy the moment.

それは、先天的に気の合う人たちと繋がりたいという欲と、本来ランニングというスポーツに備わる集団性が呼んだ結果だろう。ランニングの 「ルール 」が崩れた今、人々はそれぞれのコミュニティで、それぞれのやり方で走ることをしている。私たちがブランドとして常に言ってきたのは、ランニングに「正しい」方法などないということ。大切なのは、外に出てその瞬間を楽しむことなのだ。

Speaking of community, how did you manage to build one around Satisfy? What are some of the key elements that have contributed to this community's growth?


The key has been being authentic to who we are as a collective within SATISFY and continuing with this message. Consistency is key and being able to scale those efforts year on year have allowed more people to connect with what we are trying to build at SATISFY.



Designing sports garments is a challenging task, requiring a balance between comfort and technical features to enhance performance. What do you consider the most important element when creating running gear?


Our design process is always at the service of solving problems that runners encounter with the gear that’s currently on the market. At SATISFY, we would never sacrifice a technical spec for the pure aesthetics. A majority of our designs today are inspired by our Pro Athlete team who continue to share valuable insights with me and our product team which we then transform into products.


Satisfy collaborated with Oakley several times. Can you tell us how that partnership started and what was the collaboration’s ambition ?


The collaboration started through a shared passion for each other’s work. Oakley has created such a rich universe of storytelling through product and we were excited to have the chance to help contribute our touch to how they continue their legacy, particularly through this upcoming “Equipment for Our World” chapter.

コラボレーションの発端は、お互いの仕事に対する情熱と仕事との向き合い方に共通点を見つけたことにある。オークリーは、製品を通じて豊かな物語世界を創造してきた。私たちは、特にこの「Equipment for Our World」コレクションを通して、彼らの遺産をどのように継続させていくのか、私たちのテイストでどの様に貢献するか、この機会を得られたことを凄く嬉しく思っている。

Could you tell us more about your upcoming collaboration with Oakley, Equipment for Our World? What inspired the name?

Oakleyとのコラボレーション「Equipment for Our World」について教えてください。この名前は何にインスパイアされたのですか?

Equipment for Our World reflects the heart of what this collaboration is about—creating gear that allows the modern explorer to thrive, no matter where their journey takes them. When we started working with Oakley, we knew we wanted to develop something that felt like it was built for today’s world—one that demands adaptability, protection, and performance. The name speaks to that need. It’s a system designed for the realities we face, whether you’re out in nature or navigating the city. Oakley’s incredible legacy in eyewear, combined with SATISFY’s progressive take on performance apparel, made this a natural evolution of our partnership.

「Equipment for Our World」は、このコラボレーションが目指すもの、つまりそれは現代の冒険家が旅の行く先々でと旺盛に活動できるようなウェアを創造すること。このコレクションはその核心を反映している。オークリーとのコラボレーションを始めた時、私たちは、適応性、保護性能、パフォーマンスを追及する昨今の世の中の為に作られるようなものを開発したいと考えた。このコレクションのタイトルがそのニーズを物語っている。自然の中にいても、街を歩いていても、私たちが直面する現実と向き合う為にデザインされたシステムなのだ。オークリーのアイウェアにおける素晴らしい遺産と、SATISFYのパフォーマンス・アパレルに対する先進的な取り組みが相まって、このパートナーシップは自然な進化を遂げた。

What were the key inspirations behind this collection, and which piece do you consider the standout?


This collection was really inspired by the idea of merging technical innovation with effortless functionality. We wanted each piece to serve the adventurer who needs gear they can rely on in the most extreme or unpredictable conditions.

The standout for me is the Plantaris eyewear.

Oakley has always been at the forefront of eyewear technology, and with the Plantaris, we’ve created something that’s not just high-performing but also incredibly refined. It’s a tool for clarity and precision, with the Prizm™ lens technology enhancing your vision in any environment. It’s light, durable, and a perfect example of how we merge form and function.



Oakley x Satisfy Plantaris Eyewear form the “Equipment for our World” Collection


Are there any exclusive items or new technologies introduced in this collection?


Yes, this collection features some key innovations, especially in the eyewear. The Plantaris uses Oakley’s Prizm™ lens technology, which is designed to enhance contrast and color clarity, making it perfect for those navigating changing terrains. The unique combination of Unobtainium® temple tips and silicone-covered titanium stems provides a secure, adaptable fit that performs even during intense activities. While the MothTech™ T-shirt and PeaceShell™ Trail Cap aren't new technologies—they’ve been part of SATISFY’s signature collection for some time—they are still at the heart of this collection, offering breathable, body-mapped performance and reliable protection for any adventure. Each piece is about ensuring you stay focused, comfortable, and protected in whatever environment you find yourself in.

そう、このコレクションは、特にアイウェアにおいて、いくつかの重要なイノベーションを特徴としている。PlantarisはオークリーのPrizm™レンズテクノロジーを採用しており、コントラストと色の鮮明度を高めるよう設計されている為、変化する地形をナビゲートするのに最適なのだ。Unobtainium®(アンオブタニウム)テンプルチップとシリコンで覆われたチタンステムのユニークな組み合わせは、激しいアクティビティでも性能を発揮する、安全で順応性のあるフィット感を提供する。MothTech™ (モステック)T-シャツとPeaceShell™(ピースシェル)トレール・キャップは新しい技術ではないが、以前からSATISFYのシグネチャー・コレクションの一部となっている。どのアイテムも、どんな環境下でも集中力を維持し、快適で保護された状態を保つためのものだ。

Oakley is well known for its cutting-edge technical expertise, how did you successfully blend it with the distinctive DNA of Satisfy ?


For us it was about adding the cultural references that make SATISFY the brand that it is today while adding input into the technical aspect of the eyewear.

For example, the perforations in the lenses were a key design feature that we wanted to integrate into the program as it was something that we were actively testing in our apparel range, from MothTech™ to one of our newest pieces, AuraLite Air™.




In your opinion, what makes for the perfect pair of shades for a good run?


In my view, Oakley sets the standard for running sunglasses. Their Prizm lenses are particularly effective for trail running, as they significantly enhance visibility, highlighting potential hazards like potholes. This enhanced vision contributes to a safer running experience by allowing me to spot obstacles that might be difficult to see without sunglasses. Additionally, the ideal pair should be lightweight, sweat-resistant, and capable of enhancing vision.


What's your all-time favorite Oakley item, and why does it stand out to you?


My favorite Oakley product has to be the EyeJacket sunglasses. They were my go-to choice when I started snowboarding in the Alps. I’ve always appreciated their futuristic design, which aligns with the aesthetic I enjoy. Beyond their style, they have a practical and enduring appeal that made them a staple for my outdoor activities.



As a French brand specializing in running and climbing, what does it mean to you to be in Paris for the Olympics? How do you feel about being part of this global event in your home town?


Being in Paris for the Olympics is an incredible experience, especially given our roots as a French brand focused on running and climbing.

Despite the political complexities leading up to the event, it was heartwarming to witness people coming together, rallying behind their favorite teams, much like the sense of unity and excitement we saw during the 1998 World Cup. It was a joy to see everything come together so smoothly.

For us, the Olympics provided a fantastic opportunity to connect with athletes and partners, making it a vibrant and busy time filled with shared joy and excitement. It was truly gratifying to see Paris being so welcoming, innovative, and full of life during such a significant global event.




Given the growing trend of running as a lifestyle, do you think there’s a future for brands like Satisfy in other sports or wellness activities? How do you see the brand evolving in the next few years?


I don't foresee Satisfy transitioning into team sports. Our focus is more about promoting a lifestyle centered on outdoor activities, emphasizing experience over competition.

Our mission is to connect people with nature through the use of innovative technology and by building a sense of community. This philosophy aligns more closely with individual pursuits rather than traditional team sports.



Since Satisfy is a Paris born, we're curious: what are some of your favorite running routes in the city? And do you have any favorite routes elsewhere in the world?


In Paris, I enjoy running along the Quais de Seine in the early morning or around the Canal Saint-Martin. For hill training, Buttes Chaumont is a favorite spot of mine. Outside of Paris, the Alps hold a special place in my heart, particularly in Switzerland and the Massif de Belledonne, near where I grew up. I also love the unique experience of running in the deserts of Arizona.



Finally, for those aspiring runners who are just getting started, what advice would you offer them?


Running is often seen as an intuitive activity, but understanding the mechanics of your body is crucial to avoid injuries and sustain a long-term running habit. Start by learning the basics, take it slow, and avoid trying to progress too quickly. The ultimate goal should be to enjoy running for as many years as possible, which means building up your endurance gradually and mindfully.



Thank you so much for your time


Special thanks to the Oakley Japan Team, the Satisfy Team for the run in Paris and to Brice Partouche for his time and insights.

Words and Interview by Eléonore Bos