When looking at Tokyo and its long history of adding its own twist to western lifestyles, whether it be fashion, music, food, or any other imported way of life, one culture that is often looked over is skateboarding.
Some of the reasons behind this could be the fact that skaters have always been seen as a “menace to society” in Japan, the shortage of skateparks in the country, and the strict laws and regulations regarding street-skating.
However, due to things like skating becoming an Olympic sport and people looking to pick up new hobbies during the pandemic, more people than ever in Tokyo are into the skate scene. What used to once be seen as an intimidating, offensive sport now has people of all ages kicking & pushing. Children can be seen getting dropped off at skate parks by their parents, something nobody could have thought of 10 years ago in Japan.
Not only did skating become an Olympic sport, but Japan also birthed 3 skateboarding medals during the 2020/2021 Olympic Games, with Yuto Horigome and Momiji Nishiya taking home gold, and Funa Nakayama taking home bronze. The impact that this is going to have on the skate scene in Japan is undeniable, especially with the whole country watching. An inevitable skate-boom is starting in Japan, just as Ichiro did with baseball, Kei Nishikori did with Tennis, and Rui Hachimura did with basketball.
With many new faces joining in on the Tokyo skate scene, it is easier than ever to join, but hard to make it to the top due to the intense competition.
There are many well-known names out there who have been in the Tokyo skating scene since the get-go, like Yoshifumi “YOPPI” Egawa, and Aki Akiyama. Another special figure that has always been a part of Tokyo skating culture, in fact, one of the faces who helped shape the Tokyo skating scene itself, is Masamitsu Akachi.
We sat down with Akachi, pre-Olympics to talk everything about both the past and present Tokyo skate scene, and believe there is no better timing than to share this interview than now.
Hello Akachi. Could you please introduce yourself to the Sabukaru network?
I direct a glove brand called ST LINE, and I am the external team manager for ASICS’ skateboard line. I also am a videographer, and sometimes work a free paper called FLJ. I work on connections and photos of the skate section.
ST LINEという名前でグローブをディレクションしているのと、ASICSのスケートラインの外部でチームマネージャーをやっています。あとはビデオグラファーをやったりFLJというフリーペーパーのスケートのページのコネクションと写真をやったりしています。
Can you tell us when the first time was that you came in contact with skateboard culture?
I was 16 when I first started skateboarding, but I had also been doing BMX races since I was 10.
How was the skate scene back then in Tokyo? How did you find out about it, what did it look like?
It was pretty core. Like Setagaya. Tokyo just has a lot of places to skate.
Were there some influential people, shops, brands who introduced skating to Tokyo?
For shops, Stormy, Murasaki Sports. Murasaki wasn’t the big chain it is today, it was much smaller. That was in Harajuku as well.
When you started skating, how was society’s attitude towards skating? Was it a problem to be a skater?
I think the negative image was stronger than the positive.
What was your skate career like? Did you usually ride casually, or did you take place in many competitions?
In 1988, when I was 16 I started to skate. 3 years later in 1991, we were already selling our videos. My time as a skate “fan” was short. I was looking past the “fun” and was seeing “America”. America was making videos. Making teams. Making silkscreen T-shirts. We looked up to that, and before we knew it, it was our thing in Japan.
So almost like how a streetwear brand would start.
I don’t think we had much in common with streetwear. Even today. But what we do happens to be what everybody calls “street”. We see things from a skater view, not an outsider view. Kinda hard to explain (laughs). We were just watching American videos, reading American magazines. We never really had anything “street” in mind.
Had skaters from the states already come to Japan back then? If they did, did you ever link up?
I never directly connected with them, but some came. They would do demonstrations and contests and things like that.
We know you’re very humble, but there is no denying that you are recognized as a Tokyo skate legend. How did this happen?
That’s another funny story. I think like kids in their 20s today, they don’t know the 20-year-old me. That’s like 20, 30 years ago. The people who know me are probably around 10 years younger than me, probably around 40 or so. I don’t know how you guys see me, but I have never thought of myself as being a “legend”. Legends are just a word that people use objectively. You don’t go around calling yourself a legend, people just think of you as one. So I don’t think I’m a legend, and there are also many people more talented than me out there.
How important is “community” in this Tokyo skate scene for you?
I always keep in mind that everybody starts at 0 when it comes to skateboarding. Nobody is born a super good skater. There are people of many different levels out there, and if people of different talent levels talk I think it’s cool. The young skaters, like in their 20s, are like half our age. I find it very interesting talking to them. Everything comes down to timing, but I think starting conversations with all types of people is fun. I don’t really think about which community, which team these people are from, just about if I can have a fun talk. Komazawa Park, for example, has people of all ages. I’m always there, and people probably see me as the dude that's always at Komazawa. So a lot of people say hi to me. And if I see them another time, I can talk to them again. Maybe that’s how communities start.
Back then, was there a time where there was a “skate boom” in Tokyo? When you started skating was there a time where it really blew up?
It might be right now. It used to be more core back then. 90% of skaters were all friends. For example, when we were young we had to save money to buy decks & gear. But today, it’s common for parents to buy their kids skateboards. Like a soccer ball or baseball bat. And these parents take their kids to parks, watch them skate, and go home together. That’s normal these days. There’s also a lot of different types of skaters now. There are women who skate, there are 60 year olds who skate. I see that and it always makes me realize how much bigger skateboarding has gotten. COVID is one of the big reasons why skating became so big.
How do you feel about this? Are you happy that skateboarding is becoming more mass rather than niche?
I think it’s a really good thing. Right now, skaters basically only have the option of going pro, or working a normal job. If you want to eat, you need to go pro. But not everybody can go pro, so they need to work a regular job. That’s where a lot of people are forced to quit skateboarding as a whole, since they don’t have time. I’d like to see more people be able to have jobs related to skateboarding, like skate teachers. But I believe more and more people will be able to get jobs like this, since there are more and more people who skate today. Back then, a skate class would maybe only have 10 people. Today, you could open a class and get 100 students. You could make a living off of that. In the end, if more skaters can get jobs and continue skating, I think everything is all good.
Do you still remember the first big names that got famous in skateboarding in Japan? Was it Japanese skaters, foreign skaters, brands, who were the first?
Back then right? If we talk about brands, Santa Cruz, Dogtown, Powell. That was the 70s and 80s. In the late 80s and early 90s, that’s when this so-called “street skating” started, and people started skating in the city. That was right around when World Industries and SMA started. Those brands I think are what evolved into street skating of today. Powell used to make videos with big cameras you would use to take movies, but started using home cameras. Skaters had to win contests to make money, but with the addition of skate videos, that gave more options for skaters to make a couple bucks.
Another cool story is about the skate team Vision, which Mark Gonzales was a part of. I’m not too sure why, but Vision and Gonz had some conflict, and Gonz left. And at the same time, Guy Mariano left Powell. The two came together to create a super core company called Blind. Blind was kind of a middle finger to Vision.
当時のね。ブランドだと、Santa Cruz、Dogtown、Powell。それが70s、80sの時代で。実は80年代後半から90年代にむけて、それこそストリートスケートってうか、街で滑る、っていうのがスタートしてて。その時に始まったのがWorld Industriesとか、SMAとか。それがスタートし始めて、それが今のストリートスケートというか。昔はPowellはもう映画を撮るようなカメラで撮ってたけど、そこからホームビデオで撮り始めて。もともとスケーターとして食っていくにはコンテストで勝つしかなかってけど、そうじゃないビデオスターっていうのがまた始まって。そこがちょうどその切れ目というか。一個面白い話があって。Visionっていうスケートチームがいて。でそこにMark Gonzalesがいた。ただ理由はわからないけど、VisionとGonzが対立しちゃって。何かが合わなくて。でそこでMarkが抜けて。でPowellからもGuy Marianoが抜けて。でそこで一個できたのが、コアなカンパニーのBlind。Blindはなんでかっていうと、Vision(視力)に対してのBlind(盲目)。すごくコア。
You’ve probably met these skate legends many times in Tokyo already.
I’ve met them, but haven’t actually really spoken to them.
When were the first Japanese teams and brands coming out?
I don’t really like talking good about myself, but we might have been one of the first. We make videos under the name “New Type”, but before that I was in a group called T19. That’s where YOPPI and them were in. I think we might have started the whole video-making thing in Japan.
How influential was YOPPI to the skate scene? What kind of crew did he assemble around him?
He had been going to the States from a pretty early stage, like the 80s and 90s. He got in touch with a lot of people over there too. He was also in Real, a skate team that Tommy Guerrero was also in.
どうだろうな。意外ともう早い80年代、90年代からアメリカに行って、向こうでいろんなコミュニケーションもすでにとってて。でRealっていうTommy Guerreroとかが入ってたチームにも一瞬入ってたりして。
Can you tell us about your crew? Who were the members and what are they doing now? Are there still videos we can find?
Our crew started back then at this place we call “Jabu-Jabu Pond”. Everyone would gather and skate there. We were all skating, and we were all seeing how the US was making teams and videos, and wanted to do that. So, we got together, started our crew, and jumped into making videos.
Do you skate with some of the people back then from your crew?
There’s a few I still skate with.
How was the understanding back then with other crews? Was there more of a community, or was it more competition or rivalry?
I think mostly friendly.
Supreme in Japan. How did this happen? Why did it get so big? For such a long time Japan was the only place with so many Supreme stores. Can you explain how this happened?
There was a retailer in Japan called “One Gram”. I think the people there came up with a really successful strategy.
What kind of strategy was it?
I’m not sure about the details, but the CEO of One Gram would also go and buy from the US. As a buyer. Hiroshi Fujiwara might have been the top of his organization at the time. Sorry if I’m wrong (laughs).
How do you feel about Supreme now? It’s such a symbolic brand, and represents how skate became street.
A few years ago… they started in ‘94 right? 20 years after that… so in 2014 they released a video if I remember right. They really showed the world “yeah we still do the skate stuff” with that video. I think they really have established a well-balanced status of skate & fashion.
Is there any skate brand out there you would say is, from day one, 100% a skate brand?
Hmm… I’m still not totally sure on what “street” is. But what I can say is that everyone looks up to Supreme in some shape or another. Like FTC and HUF. What I can say is that skate companies were 100% skateboard. Like not the “street” fashions stuff we’re talking about. Independent, for example. Brands that do collabs, like VANS. That’s kind of my take. Independent did collab with Supreme, but I still see them as a skate company, a parts company.
In our generation, “street” meant to literally skate in the streets, the city. “Street” fashion might come from how our generation of “street” skaters dressed. If we wanted to skate in Shibuya, we’d say “let’s go do the streets”. It still kind of confuses me to this day when I hear the word “street”, the way it is used has changed greatly since back in our day. But I think the origins of streetwear, street fashion might be from street skating from back then.
Let’s talk about the now. How does the day for a skater in Tokyo look like? How are the parks, are there strict rules?
I think there’s two types of people. Those who skate at parks make a decision when they’ll go skate, some time from the morning to evening. Like shop staff, they’ll skate in the morning, and go to work around noon. School kids will go to school, and maybe skate in the evening. At the same time, there’s also people who might work or go to school, who will say “let’s hit the streets”. People who skate in the streets will usually go at 8 or 9 PM, around the time companies and offices close. They’ll skate from there, and maybe hit up a conbini and grab a beer from there. I think those are the two main types of Tokyo skaters I see today.
How many days do you skate a year?
Probably most of the year. Since I’m the team manager of asics, I need to skate. Everyone needs to skate to get better. Probably around 5, 6 days a week. Like this interview too, I’ll skate in the morning and skate after the interview too. It’s like jogging, you just have to do it to get better. If I have time, I’ll be skating somewhere.
Did you skate before coming to our office today too?
Yeah, I was at Seta-ko [Setagaya Park].
You were one of the first to start videos in Tokyo. What has changed regarding video over these times?
I think a lot has changed. Me and my friends, we always reach for the newest gear. There are people out there who like the retro feel, and use like Sony VXs from the 2000’s. We want to keep everything as compact as possible. We used to have to haul giant bags and cases, and those cameras couldn’t even take video if it was remotely dark outside. So we had to carry additional lights. But our cameras today perform super good in low light, and we don’t need to bring huge lights. Everything is getting smaller, and the graphics are becoming better.
Is there a place where you upload your videos? Is it just on Instagram, or are there any other places where we can see them?
My IG is my main place, or if I do work for another person or group, maybe their pages.
Would you say it is now accepted to skate? Or do skaters still face problems with rules and police in Japan?
That’s still a difficult question. People are all different. Some people are loud about it, some are chill. The other day I was in Toyosu, and we were skating in places where we technically shouldn’t have been, but the police were super chill and didn’t really say anything. But that was because they were police near the ocean. The only thing they told us was “you guys aren’t really supposed to skate here”. “Please try not to damage anything”. But there’s security out there who’ll come at you from the start just yelling “No no no!”. I think there’s just too many different types of people to be able to answer that question. Kind of similar to how the way foreigners are seen by police has changed in Japan over the years.
How do you feel about skateboarding becoming an olympic sport?
That kind of goes back to what I was saying earlier, but if it leads to more skaters being able to make a living off of skating, I think it’s a fantastic thing. Core skaters might throw up the finger saying we don’t need the Olympics. But those who say they don’t like the Olympics, are probably core skaters to begin with. They won’t really interact with contest skaters. So I think everything will play out smoothly.
Let's talk about Asics and skateboarding. When did Asics join skating? What is the story behind it?
First reason would be because skateboarding became an Olympic sport. The asics CEO states that it is asics’ job to support Olympic athletes, and support their feet with footwear. Skateboarding is no exception, so we want to support the feet of Olympic skaters as well.
What are your favorite Asics skate shoes at the moment?
That’s a tough one. But the ones I was wearing earlier, the GEL-VICKKA SLIP-ON. It’s the newest model (at the time?), and easiest to wear for me.
どれだろう。今出てるさっき履いてたGEL-VICKKA SLIP-ONっていうモデルが新しいっていうのもあって一番履きやすいかなって感じはするね。
When foreign skaters come to Tokyo again, maybe next year when the pandemic is over, where would you advise them to go around to skate?
For skateparks, I would say Nissan Stadium in Shin-Yokohama. And Komazawa Park, since it’s close to Shibuya. These are a bit far, but Umi-Kaze in Yokosuka, and a huge park in Kasama in Ibaragi that’s about to open. I still haven’t been able to visit it though.
Are these skateparks funded by the government or anywhere else?
Actually, more and more parks are being funded. It makes me feel that skating is becoming more socially acceptable in Japan. I think the Olympics played a huge role in that.
Where are your favorite, coolest skate shops in Tokyo?
I have a lot, but Instant Skateshop, arktz… it would be too long to list them all.
いくつかあるけどInstant Skateshop、arktz、そのぐらいかな。言ってくとキリがないからね(笑)。
You also have a very good taste in food. Where do you go with friends, where should foreign skaters have lunch in Tokyo?
It kind of depends on where I’m at, but a Tonkatsu place in Kyodo. And a place called Oatari. I think you would love it (laughs).
What about a classic place to grab a beer? Do you go to Izakaya or chill at conbini?
That also depends on where I’m at and timing. Sometimes it’ll just be conbini, other times we would go to an Izakaya. Usually cheap places, since most skaters don’t have a lot of money (laughs). But if I were to take foreigners to places, I would definitely take them to deep places, Izakayas you can’t just find on Google.
What kind of advice would you give young skaters? Are there any life lessons you would tell them?
I think just do what you want to do would be my advice. Have you heard of FINE Magazine? The editor in chief there also does FLJ, and is a really cool guy. In ‘86, he said he wanted to go to Venice. In the States, there is a famous skater Christian Hosoi. But he didn’t have any connections so he had no idea where to go to meet Hosoi. But Venice at the time had shootings and all, and was a dangerous place for Japanese folks to go to. But if you go to Venice, you could meet Christian Hosoi and big names from back then. So he started to do interviews from there. He called Cypress Hill’s manager directly to schedule an interview, Ice Cube and some N.W.A. members, and all of these interviews were released on FINE. Personally, I work on the connections to young skaters in FLJ, take photos and some other things. One of the things that the editor in chief tells me is to always focus on the young kids. Young kids all have interesting ideas and thoughts. So to bring it back to the original question, I don’t think it’s necessary for us to tell young kids “do this” “do that”. We can advise them on what they want to do and strengthen their rails, but I don’t want to be the one to lay their rails down. I want them to do that on their own.
でも多分やりたいようにやるのがいいのかな。FINEっていうマガジン知ってるかな?そこの編集長でが今FLJもやってて、その人がすごくて。86年にベニスに行きたいって言って。アメリカにはクリスチャン・ホソイっていうすごく有名な人がいて。でもコネクションがないからどこ行くかもわからなくて、海沿いをバーって車で行こうって。でもベニスは当時撃ち合いとかあったから危ない、でもそこに行ったらクリスチャン・ホソイとか、当時の人に会えて。そっからインタビューし始めて。サイプレス・ヒルとかもマネージャーに直接電話してインタビューとったり。でそれがFINEに出てる。あとICE CUBEとか、NWAの人とかもインタビューしてて。僕はFLJの若いスケーターのコネクションをしたり、写真撮ったりしてるんだけど、その人に言われるのがまず若い子に注目すること。意外と若い子もちゃんと考えてて。だからあまり僕らがこうした方がいい、とかじゃなくて、彼ら、彼女らがやりたいことに対して「じゃあこっちがいいかも、あっちがいいかも」とかはなんとなく言えるかな。あんまりああしろ、こうしろ、とかは言いたくなくて。
Is there anything else that you think we should know about the Tokyo skate scene? Anything we haven’t asked yet, anything we should know?
Tokyo’s huge. There’s different teams and groups in different regions. Instant in Kichijoji is one of these places, and has a few stores. The owner there is in his 40s, but he takes care of a lot of kids in their 10s and 20s. I think Instant is one of the stores shaping youth skater culture today, and a spot you definitely cannot miss.
Then we have the last question for the interview. When is the next time you will go skating?
Tomorrow (laughs)。