The Brand Challenging the Limits of Embroidery - KEEVIR

With the advancement of technology, the fashion world has become as convenient as ever thanks to things like Instagram, designing tools on your computer, and OEMs [original equipment manufacturers].

KEEVIR is a brand challenging the convenience and practicality of modern-day design through the use of embroidery.


Their new project, based on the concept "shell", presents us with new embroidery possibilities. What is typically used as a technique purely from a design perspective is given new life through KEEVIR's clothing. The special embroidery on the items not only are there for aesthetic purposes but in fact, to change the silhouettes of the garments themselves. And by taking several burst shots of the subject's movement and arranging them into a continuous sequence, KEEVIR gives us visuals of a skeleton "shell".


From architecture to animals, the word "shell" is used in many fields. But while the term can be used in an array of ways, its sole meaning stays the same: something that protects from the outside. With clothing, it is hard to create items that physically protect the wearer, unless it is designed specifically as protective gear. KEEVIR's project aims to design and create clothes that mentally protect the wearer, becoming a "shell" in its own way.


KEEVIR is constantly experimenting and exploring new ways to represent and utilize embroidery in their clothes, reimagining the production process. Proving that hackability lies within all existing structures, the brand aims to not only delve into the clothing field but take their knowledge and analogy into other areas as well.


KEEVIR's project is already in the works, with the first release on May 27 and with several design studios to produce products later on in autumn of this year, so be sure to keep an eye on their next moves. In the meanwhile, check out some images from the brand & project above.