Every city has its own sneaker legend. From New York to Jakarta, Oahu to St.Petersburg, collectors that have experienced the great depths of the sneaker industry since day 1, started local communities and are basically walking encyclopedias on special editions and releases can be found all around the globe.
While there might be several OGs in a city as populated as Tokyo, there is one person that has always been an active player in the local scene and stands out in the concrete jungle that is Tokyo sneaker culture: Katsu a.k.a. Winiche.
Katsu perfectly characterizes the Japanese sneaker aficionado: Polite, modest and incredibly knowledgeable. Since his first conscious encounter with sneakers that dates back to his elementary school days in the 80s, he grew out of his role as a passive collector and instead became an active shaper of the culture through his own brand and store called WINICHE & CO. WAREHOUSE. Being into basketball as a youngin, it was only a matter of time until a pair of Air Jordan’s caught his eye and acted as a gateway to dive deeper into the matter. From then on, Katsu’s journey into the seemingly endless realms of street culture really kicked off. As a contemporary witness of the Ura-Hara hayday, Katsu’s knowledge of streetstyle goes far beyond the latest trends, and much rather resembles that of a “Japanese Sneaker and Streetwear Almanac”.
Next to running his own store, which stocks a highly curated selection of cultural and utilitarian items and could also be understood as a museum of his favorite collectibles, Katsu also works as a graphic designer. Building upon the skills he obtained as a young graffiti artist and VGA (Vanguard Graffiti Art) crew member, he spends a great deal of time scanning his hand drawn illustrations or designing his own gear. His career also saw him collaborate with industry heavyweights such as mita and Reebok on a pair of DMX Run 10’s or most recently with BEAMS on an entire capsule collection featuring his signature urban camo. The latter was especially well received by Japanese fashion fans and industry figures alike, selling out in no time.
Located far off the beaten path in eastern Tokyo, we meet with Katsu in his Warehouse. It’s a rather cloudy, rainy day. Perfect weather to rock Katsu’s beloved GORE-TEX military wear and perfect timing for a walk down memory lane (or memory-dori as you would say in Japan) with Tokyo’s Sneaker and Streetwear OG.
Can you start off by introducing yourself to the Sabukaru network?
My name is WIN, I run my brand WINICHE & CO. and my select shop kind of store, WINICHE & CO. WAREHOUSE in East-Nippori. Nice to meet you.
WINICHE & CO. というブランドとWINICHE & CO. WAREHOUSEというセレクトショップみたいなものを東日暮里でやっているWINといいます。よろしくお願いします。
How did you get into the street/sneaker scene?
I first got into things like that in the 80s, right around when I was going from elementary to middle school, and all the school clubs were starting up. I started to play basketball, and started to choose, buy, and wear my own sneakers. That was right around when I made my first encounter with Air Jordans. Sports was really what made me get attracted to sneakers, and at the same time fashion. Sports crossed paths with culture, and really grew in me.
Do you remember the first Air Jordan model you owned?
I still have them actually. My aunt bought me a pair of Jordan VIs in New York, and that was my very first pair. I had big feet, so it was kind of hard for me to look for shoes in my size in Japan.
Was there something that triggered your love for Jordans?
Everything about him was cool, but I gotta say it’s his plays. I wasn’t able to watch him real-time, so I would watch his highlights on VHS tapes, and be amazed that a human being could be so good at one thing. That was really what made me want to wear his shoes. The designs were innovative and fresh too, always drawing a clear line between Jordan and the rest. The design aspect also was a big reason why I was so attracted to them.
What’s your favorite Jordan model?
The Jordan IV. It’s such a cool model but was always so hard to get your hands on. The IV, V, and VI are the top 3 in my mind.
In Japan, basketball doesn’t seem to be as major as let's say baseball or soccer, and not many people seem to know much about the sport. Did you turn a lot of heads wearing Jordans in this country?
There was actually a huge NBA boom when we were in middle school. It was right when Slam Dunk had started and all. So you might think everyone would have been like “What are those??”, but at the time Jordans were actually widely recognized by a lot of Japanese people. Not that many people go as far as the pros, but a lot of kids play basketball as a school club sport. So if you look at it from that perspective, it might not have been as underground of a sport as many people outside of Japan think it was.
Compared to your Jordan & basketball shoe style back then, we see you more on the lifestyle side today. What changed within WIN to make this shift?
I think that shift started when I started to look up other shoes that Tinker Hatfield was designing, not just Jordans. At the time, shoes were expensive, especially for middle school me, so if I buy a pair of Jordans I wasn’t really able to buy other shoes. But as time went by, I started to think of what I would wear off-court, and that idea probably kept growing in me to make me shift more towards lifestyle.
Not to be creepy, but we scrolled all the way back to your first Instagram posts. You seemed to be pretty Nike-heavy at the time, but we see a more diverse variety of brands on your feed now. Did something change inside of you on this change in direction?
I get that impression a lot. The dude that only likes Nike. But I’ve liked all sneakers from when I was small. For example, I wear Salomon a lot recently but have actually been wearing other Salomon shoes from the 90s. When it comes to adidas, I like the ZX series. The things I like are pretty concrete to begin with. But a lot of these models I like don’t make it to the Asia market. The ones that get picked up and featured in Japan aren’t appealing to me, so I often buy colorways and models I like from Europe. In the 80s, believe it or not, some of my favorite sneakers were actually Reebok. I love their innovative and eccentric designs. The way I see it, sneakers are the easiest mass product for consumers to experience. I think that’s what makes them fun. So I don’t like to just collect, but wear & test them.
Just as you said, we think sneakers are a mass product very accessible to the average consumer. But at the same time, what we, the more cultural consumers want, tends to be the exclusive and limited pieces. How do you feel about this?
Some years ago, I thought this was a good new way of marketing to get the people going. But brands today have overdone it way too much. I don’t see any value in this game of highly limited releases anymore and don’t think it’s cool. I’d rather search the sale corner and look for interesting silhouettes, or look for sneakers that are under $100 that seem functional and interesting.
The on-foot experience is definitely more important than just the purchasing experience.
Yes. You just have to wear them, throw them into your outfit. In the end, I love fashion, so I’m always thinking of how to incorporate certain colorways into my look. There are lots of styles and shapes of sneakers, so figuring out what to pair them with, or maybe wearing flashy sneakers with a rather formal look, all these things go through my head, and I’m always having fun thinking about them. That’s why I like sneakers, own a lot, and am always doing research about them. It’s never about the money, it’s about having fun. Today, resale value seems to be superior to the actual value and importance of the shoe itself. There are things that I think are cool that are rare and limited, but I always have the preconceptions that I’m not going to be able to get my hands on them. Plus, I wouldn’t even want to pay resale to get them anyways.
So you were a part of the 80s and 90s street scene. How was the scene, how was the culture back then? What were some of the popular items, what were the communities like back then?
There were definitely individual trends within smaller groups of people. Like where and who you hang out with. I think the group with the biggest impact was the Urahara community. We would also buy certain New Balance models that got featured in sneaker shops in Ueno, and YOPPI-san also brought the Supreme skate crew from New York to a wagon sale and bought 580s with them. There’s a bunch of stories, but since we were raised downtown, the Ueno sneaker culture was closest to us. But in the 90s, everybody shifted to the Harajuku area. We would also go out to Shibuya and Harajuku, but still kept Ueno our home. After all, we’d buy sneakers in Ueno, and our friends lived there too. For us, I feel like downtown Ueno’s sneaker shops were what shaped Tokyo’s sneaker culture in the first place.
やっぱり集まるところ集まるところでのグループでのブームがあったと思うんですよ。それが一番大きかったのが多分裏原の人たちだと思います。僕たちも上野のスニーカーショップで一つのモデルがすごくフィーチャーされて買ったり、NEW BALANCEの580とかはワゴンセールとかでニューヨークからYOPPIさんが連れてきたSupremeのクルーの人たちとかが買ったり。コアな話もあるんですけど、僕たちは下町で育ったんで、どうしても上野のスニーカーカルチャーっていうのがやっぱり色濃くあったり、そこにヒップホップのお店があったりとか。90年代になるとやっぱりみんな原宿に移動してって。僕たちも渋谷、原宿に出て行くことも多くなって。でもスニーカー買うのはやっぱりみんな地元の友達もいるし、そっちに行くっていう感じでした。東京のスニーカーのカルチャーを作ったのは僕たちは下町の上野のスニーカー屋さん、っていう感覚がすごく強いですね。
Did you guys have a go-to spot for hanging out?
We had a graffiti crew, consisting of skaters, bmx riders, dancers, you name it. We would all hang out at the Mister Donuts at Kouen Dōri. It doesn’t exist anymore, but it was diagonal across Parco, where United Arrows is right now. Before Parco got renewed there was a passage in the middle, and at night people would skate there, play soccer there, play baseball there.
What was the name of your crew back then?
VGA. It stood for Vanguard Graffiti Art. Our central member was KAZZROCK, a very famous graffiti artist. He was on TV and all. The graffiti on the wall of the warehouse is actually my work too. The one closer to us is by IMAONE, who does graffiti in Germany and other places. He came the other day to draw that.
VGA(VANGUARD GRAFFITI ART)っていうんですけど。カズロックっていう人がメインの人なんですけど、その人はもうすごい有名なグラフィティアーティストで。テレビとかにも出るような。(WAREHOUSEの)階段にあるやつとかは俺の絵です。手前にあるやつはIMAONEっていう、ドイツとかで描いてるアーティストです。この前描きにきてくれて。
What do you think of the scene today?
The internet has been developing, E-commerce and web shopping is becoming the norm. I go to the US here and there, but I feel that right around the time of the internet’s growth, the deep cultures of each city seems to be getting shallower and shallower. Everybody can view and get inspired by the same stuff today, and trends are becoming the same for everybody. Localization is becoming more and more scarce.
How do you think that affects the culture?
It’s not all bad. For example, everybody gets excited about the same things at the same time. But on the other hand, as fast as they get excited, they lose interest as well. From the perspective of people who have liked these things for a long time, it might be somewhat of a minus.
Do you find yourself leaning towards the minus side?
Personally, I don’t change. If something is hot, I take a step back. That’s kind of how I see things. Right now, I don’t feel anything is super hot, so I’ve been buying a lot of sneakers (laughs).
Let’s talk a little about big brands. A lot of D2C strategies (Direct to Consumer) have been taking place within the big names. Small sneaker shops are getting hit pretty hard by this, but how do you feel about this trend?
This is gonna go back to what we talked about earlier, but I think it’s going to make localization hard to do, and the concept almost non-existent.
How do you think this trend will affect the sneaker scene from here on?
I’m actually kind of excited to see what kind of impact it will have. The internet, social media, the whole world is affected by these. These things didn’t exist until now, so I feel like we’re moving into another era. I’m excited to see how brands move and adapt to this.
As sneaker shop and retailer numbers lower, how do you think sneakerheads of the next generation are going to change?
I feel like the next generation kids are going to easily adapt. We, on the other hand, might be the ones who fall behind. We’re at a point today where we don’t have right or wrong answers. But I do think that the new youth will realize that the collabs happening today aren’t strong. Collabs need to have equal power-balance, and I think the prime example of that was the Urahara culture. But right now, there’s so many collabs that I feel don’t have the right power-balance. I’m excited to see the next generation realize that strong independent items are cooler than lukewarm collabs, and create cool things on their own. I’m ready to see what kind of things are going to happen during these COVID years of creating.
Going a little bit back to collabs and exclusive releases, there have been extremely rare Japan exclusive drops, like the Ueno AF1 and the Urawa Air Max 1 in the past. There are still Japan exclusives being released today, but how do you feel about the ones in the more recent days?
コラボの話に若干繋がりますが、当時の上野AF1や浦和Air Max 1など、かなりレアな日本限定アイテムがリリースされてました。現在も日本限定モデルは出ていますが、今のものに関してはどう思われてますか?
I think the localized drops are cool, since you can only get the shoes there. Although you can’t really travel right now. But rather than making them limited in quantity, I think they should regularly restock them, I think that’s more Japan exclusive. If there’s no crazy resale value, you’ll actually only be able to get them in Japan. I think continuous releases will be more meritful to the brand and the consumers. But I do understand that this would mean more work, so it is kind of a hard topic.
Now let’s talk about your personal collaborations. You’ve teamed with Reebok, MITA, BEAMS in the past, but how did it first feel going from a consumer who buys collabs to actually being on the side cooking up collabs?
Being able to create is an honor, and is still a difficult thing to this day. I’m super thankful for my friends who helped me get over all the challenges., and thankful for people just even reaching out to me. To me, it’s not myself doing the collabs alone. I feel the connections with my friends and those types of things are much bigger.
Do you have any brands you would want to collaborate with in the future?
GORE-TEX. I’ve been saying this for a while now (laughs). Like a jacket and some pants would be cool.
One of the first things that caught our eye when we entered the WAREHOUSE was your desk. What type of work do you do there?
I do lots of things. Scanning hand-drawn illustrations into my computer, doing just simple things on my Mac, graphic design. I also make DIY objects, like this mask-cord I’m using right now. I sometimes sell these types of things as well. So basically a lot of stuff goes on at my desk, lots of client work.
Speaking of magazines, we know you’ve been featured in names like WARP, GO OUT, and many more. These magazines are pretty Japan-oriented, and hard to get your hands on overseas. Could you explain the importance of these magazines to our readers overseas?
WINさんはWARPだったりGO OUTだったり、いろんな雑誌にフィーチャーされていると思うのですが、これらの雑誌って結構日本特化していると思います。海外ではなかなか手に入らなかったり。こういった雑誌の重要性、必要性をsabukaruの海外の読者に説明していただけますか?
That’s a tough question. Today, I feel like I’m actually the one getting reminded at how important these magazines are. Like I see a lot of non-Japanese people digging old magazines. Like you guys (laughs). Our generations who experienced these magazines first-hand, we’re all getting reminded by people like you guys. I think there’s a lot that we are recalling with old magazines of my generation getting picked up again.
So you can’t skip over these 80s and 90s magazines when talking about sneakers and fashion right?
Yes, totally. These were our sources of information. We read them like crazy. But these magazines, they come out like a month, a month and a half after they start working on them. So you go to look for the things featured in the magazines, and they’re all already sold out (laughs). So to cover for that time-lag, we would regularly go to these shops, and see what’s hot before they even make it to the magazines.
Now let’s talk about individual sneakers. Do you have any favorite releases of 2021?
The KIKO-designed ASICS you’re wearing [UB1-S Gel-Kayano 14] were very comfortable. I had to buy two colorways. They’re super cool. From a design perspective, the Reebok Zig 3D Storm Hydro was definitely one of my top pairs. The way the flap goes around the upper, the way the logo is deconstructed. Reebok’s been pretty innovative these past few seasons. The Nike Pegasus Trail 2 GORE-TEX was pretty cool too.
でもそのキコ [Asics UB1-S Gel-Kayano 14] はすごく履きやすかったですね。僕これ二色買っちゃいましたもん。これはかっこいいですね。デザイン的に面白いのは絶対にReebok Zig 3D Storm Hydroですね。あとそのアッパーの包み方と、ロゴの崩しというか。最近のリーボック結構斬新だね。ナイキのグレーのトレール2も好きですね、ゴアテックスの。
Source: Instagram @winiche
We see some pairs throughout WAREHOUSE too, but how do you feel about the mule trend that's been going on recently?
I think the trend is going to get even bigger from here. The KEEN mules, they’re pretty big in Japan, but not that popular in the US. They still have that literal dad-shoe image (laughs). The ones with Engineered Garments were really cool too. And the New Balance 3-way ones [Tokyo Design Studio Niobium] were very well made as well.
多分この後もっと流行ると思う。KEENのミュールとかは日本では流行っててもアメリカではまだあまり見ませんもんね。お父さんが履いているイメージっていうか(笑)。でもエンジニアガーメンツのやつとかも超良かった。ニューバランスの3wayのやつ[Tokyo Design Studio Niobium]も、すごいよくできてる。
What would be your rarest sneaker, weirdest sneaker, sneaker with a wild backstory, or just a sneaker you want to share with us?
I don’t really have any shoes to show off (laughs). Maybe rare sneakers, the Undefeated Jordan IV, or the Air Mag. Maybe the Air Mag I guess. I got influenced by it the most. I saw the movie, and thought “this is what our future is going to look like!” when I was small.
あんまり人に見せびらかすようなスニーカー持ってないからな〜(笑)。レアなもので言ったら多分Jordan IVのUndefeated、あとはAir Magですかね。でもMagかな。一番影響受けましたもん。映画見て、「こんな未来が来るんだろう」ってちっちゃい頃思ってましたもん。
We’d like to hear a little about WAREHOUSE now. How did WINICHE & CO WAREHOUSE start?
もう少しWAREHOUSEなどのお話に移りたいと思います。WINICHE & CO WAREHOUSEはどのようにして始まったのですか?
At first, I was making apparel, but my vision was too broad so I couldn’t just keep doing one thing (laughs). Like the 90s, it was a cultural melting pot. For me, the dots [cultures] connected, but for others, it was often difficult to link all the separate cultures together in the cultural turmoil that was the 90s. As time went by, I wanted to create a place where I collect and show all the things I like, kind of like a warehouse. Like a daily goods store, but only with the things that I’m interested in.
The retail corner of WAREHOUSE, not only has clothes and brands, but anything from camping goods to deodorant. How do you select the items to shelve?
I’m curating and stocking things I need, the things I use, the things I think would be useful, and cultural items that I want people to know about. That’s kind of the main concept behind the items. So I don’t really worry about brands, I just choose what I want to present to everybody. Things that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to carry, things that would be natural for me to carry.
Source: Instagram @winiche
There also seems to be a lot of camo pieces in WAREHOUSE. Why camo?
One of the reasons is because I’m influenced by Futura a lot, and also because I’m just simply a fan of military-wear. These clothes are worn when you’re on the verge. I feel like that is as minimal as it can get. I also like the colors, and textiles. They also have their own stories. Like what branch they were in, what year they were used, which I find very interesting. The way I see camo is basically in the same sense that we used to watch GI Joe when we were young. It also becomes interesting when you throw camo into fashion. In the same sense as sneakers, they are a mass-product made up of a certain color pallet. I just love mass produced products in general, like Eames chairs. They have their own beauty. I also love it when they are all lined up, displayed in masses. That’s probably one of the big reasons why I’m so attracted to American culture.
結構やっぱFuturaに影響受けたことが大きいのと、まあもともとそういう軍モノ、ミリタリーモノが好きだったのも大きいんですけど。やっぱりギリギリの時に着てるウェアじゃないですか。戦闘服って。人間の中で。だからそういうミニマルな部分だとか、色彩的にも面白いし、テキスタイルとしてもすごい興味深いし。ストーリーがあるじゃないですか、どこに従軍してどのタイミングで使われてっていうストーリーみたいなのが。GI Joeを小さい時に見るのと同じ感覚でカモフラージュが好きな感覚ですかね。男心をくすぐるというか。あとそれをファッションに落とし込んだ時に面白い。スニーカーと一緒の感覚ですね。カラーパレットで出来上がってるマスプロダクト。大量生産品、っていう感覚のものが僕好きなんで。だからイームズの椅子みたいなものとか、ああいうものにもすごい興味があるし。大量生産品の美しさっていうか、そういうのが自分好きですね。全て同じモノが並んでるのとかも好きですし。大量陳列とか。だからアメリカのカルチャーとかも好きなんでしょうね。
Source: Instagram @winiche
We also noticed a lot of cereal boxes in WAREHOUSE. What’s the WIN-san go-to cereal?
My go-to cereal has got to be Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I swear it’s a drug.
Source: Instagram @winiche
We ask a lot of people this, but what would be the top 3 places to eat or get a drink that you would take somebody that just came to Tokyo?
First would be an izakaya called New Ōsho, and Whoopi Goldburger, and probably Uchida. Uchida, you really have to line up to get in, so it might not be the place I would take someone that just wants to chill and have a quick beer.
Source: Instagram @winiche (Whoopi Goldburger)
We saved this for the last section of the interview, but where does the name “WINICHE” come from?
It’s a combo of the words “niche” and “win”. Win & Niche. My name is Katsuhito [勝人, the kanji meaning ‘win’ and ‘person’], so I used to do street tagging under the name WIN and all. I’ve been WIN for a while now. And for Niche, since what I do isn’t mainstream, I chose that word. I made the name WINICHE with the idea of winning along the sidelines.
NicheとWinを組み合わせたんです。Win & Niche。Winはもともと僕が勝人って名前なんで、Winっていうストリートでタギングしてたりとか、それでずっとWinを使ってて。でNicheは、やってることがメインストリームじゃないんで。端っこで勝っていける、っていうブランドネーム、勝ちたいって思ってつけた名前ですね。
The WINICHE & CO. logo takes inspiration from the Tiffany logo. Why Tiffany?
WINICHE & CO. のロゴはティファニーをサンプリングしてますよね。なぜティファニーなのですか?
I really personally like New York. Spike Lee movies had a huge impact on me, and I just love Brooklyn. I’ve been influenced by many things, like movie culture and such. Men’s clothing, with the elegance of Tiffany. The font and all, I kept that in mind when making it. And the 5 stars, I aligned them so the space inbetween makes a W. You know how the space between E and x in FedEx makes an arrow? It subliminally gives off the impression of transporting goods. The same concept, I wanted to convey the image of winning with the star. Also, the 5 Boroughs of New York. That’s why there are 5 stars. Since Brooklyn is the biggest Borough, the middle star is larger than the rest, representing Brooklyn. That’s the story behind it all. But I don’t really want to talk about this kind of stuff that much, I’d rather have the people have their own impression on the brand.
Source: Instagram @winiche
Let’s wrap this interview up. Do you have any words for the younger generation?
Damn, I hate talking like I’m superior to young people (laughs). I just want them to have fun. The kids of my generation’s friends are really doing big things now. Like Kei of Car Service.
Kei’s dad is the designer of the brand Core Fighter right?
Yes! I actually used to do graffiti on the walls of Core Figher’s office. But yes, the new wave of young kids is super interesting. Like Kei-Boy. I want to support them all.
Source: Instagram @_hsmt
Let’s talk a tad bit about graffiti now that we’ve mentioned it. Is the Tokyo graffiti culture changing?
Yes 100%. During our times, we were focused on leaving a masterpiece behind. But today, it’s about bombing. How many bombs you can leave behind. It’s pretty hardcore, leaning more towards American culture. Graffiti artists now, the way they think is different from our minds. The people who want to leave masterpieces behind tend to go down a more artistic path today, so they can actually create art and not get it taken down. But there definitely are a lot of hardcore graffiti artists out there right now.
Source: Instagram @winiche
Graffiti is tied to many cultures. Do you think graffiti is also something that is needed when it comes to culture?
Yes. Many connections are born through graffiti. It’s similar to sneaker culture in some ways. Music, fashion, skating, graffiti is connected to many things. It’s pretty cutting edge, and there are a lot of people doing interesting things, constantly challenging the norms. Everyone does it all themselves too. I feel like there are a lot of people who just are in it for the fun.
Source: Instagram @winiche
This is our last question. Do you have any questions for us?
What brought the Sabukaru team together?
We’ll leave that up to you. Ok, real last question. Do you have any plans for the future with your huge collection?
If you collect trash for 30 years, you get this (laughs). Right before I die though, I want to do an exhibition called “Dream Island”. It sounds cool, but it also has a double meaning of something like “dumpster”.
We’ll be there.
Words by Natsuki Ludwig
Interview by Casey Takumi Omori, Adrian Bianco and Natsuki Ludwig
Translation by Casey Takumi Omori
Imagery by Natsuki Ludwig
Layout by Koko Bond-Razak