The Underground king of Shibuya: Meet Katoman

Japan is one of the world’s hot spots for all things culture-related.
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
With the country’s long, rich history, it comes to no doubt that some of the world’s leading artists, designers, and musicians are born here. When it comes to music, those of you outside of Japan may have only heard about the big names. But once you come to Japan, once you become a part of it, you realize that there is so much more than just the hit charts. One of the undeniable epicenters of Japan’s music community, one of the places where everything and anything related to music takes place, is Beat Cafe and its legendary bartender Katoman.
日本は世界的にみてもカルチャーの中心地のひとつである。長く深い歴史を辿ると、世界を率いるアーティスト、デザイナー、ミュージシャンがこの国から誕生しているのも納得できる。音楽に関しては、国外に住んでいる人は有名どころしか聴いたことがないかもしれない。でも日本に来て、日本の一部になるとランキングやチャートはほんの表面の一層でしかないことに気付かされる。より深い層の音楽、音楽に関する全てが混在する場所の一つがBeat Cafeだ。
Located in the Dogenzaka area of Shibuya, surrounded by music venues and love hotels, Beat Cafe is not quite a cafe, not quite a bar, and not quite a club.
As owner Katoman explains it, “Beat Cafe is Beat Cafe. It doesn’t fit into any category.” If you’ve been there, you know this statement is true. One day an older band from Europe may be having a small live show, the next day Tokyo’s leading youth figures could be sitting down and having a drink. The atmosphere is totally different depending on the day, and that is one of the things that makes Beat Cafe so unique.
ラブホやクラブが並ぶ渋谷の道玄坂にあるビルの地下一階にあるBeat Cafeはカフェでもなければバーでもなく、クラブでもない。オーナーのカトマンさんは「Beat CafeはBeat Cafeにしかない感じ」であるという。一度行ったことのある人はこの発言の意味がわかるだろう。ある日あはヨーロッパのバンドが小さなライブを行っていれば、次の日が東京の若いシーンを率いる顔が一緒に飲んでいるかもしれない。日によって客層も違えば雰囲気も違う。それがBeat Cafeの魅力のひとつである。
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
Walk in and you’ll be greeted by the dim, reddish interior of the sticker-bombed interior, along with Katoman standing behind the iconic bar counter. Whether you’re with a friend or by yourself, take a seat, order a drink, and emit good vibes. You’ll definitely meet some interesting people during your stay. In fact, you can talk to Katoman himself, and gain some major insight into what’s going on in the music scene today.
店内に入ると、仄暗い、赤みがかった照明と大量に貼られたシールやポスターが目に入る。バーカンにはカトマンさんが立っており、席に座ってドリンクを注文する。一人であろうが複数人であろうが、Beat Cafeにいけば面白い人に出会えることに間違いない。忙しくなければ、カトマンさん本人と話をすることだってできるだろう。
Beat Cafe may be hidden behind doors in the basement of a building, but it is the destination for all music people, domestic or international. Check out some of the stickers on the walls, you’ll be sure to recognize many of the names. Katoman may be 51 years old, but his range of customers and friends is as diverse as it can get.
From big-name legends who have been in the music industry for decades, to some of Tokyo’s hottest new youth artists, Beat Cafe is respected by everybody. The reason the place is so well-respected is of course due to Beat Cafe itself being an insane venue, but most importantly Katoman’s character.
ビルの地下のドアの裏に隠れたBeat Cafeだが、国内外問わず音楽関連の人の聖地の一つである。壁に貼られたシールやポスターをみてみると間違いなく知っている名前が見つかるだろう。51歳のカトマンさんだが、彼の客と友人は大変多様だ。何十年も音楽をやっているレジェンド級のアーティストや東京の若い世代をリードするニュー・ネームなど、Beat Cafeは全ての人にリスペクトされている。もちろんBeat Cafeという場所自体が最高なのもあるが、リスペクトの一番の理由はカトマンさんという人物だ。
We sat down with Katoman to talk about everything music and Beat Cafe.
Sabukaruはそのカトマンさんに音楽やBeat Cafeの全てを聞きに行った。
**Disclaimer from the Sabukaru Team**
Katoman and Beat Cafe stand by their own rules, different from a standard bar. His rules are simple: stop by, order a couple of drinks before lingering, go with the flow, and no music requests [seriously]. Please respect this legendary institution and of course…enjoy!
Beat Cafeとカトマンさんはアイコニックな分、シンプルなルールがあります。寄ってみる場合、騒ぎ出さないで、まずはドリンクを何杯か。カトマンさんは一人しかいません。どれほど面白い話があろうと、聖徳太子ではないので、忙しい時は全員と話せません。その場の空気を読んで。最後に、何があろうと曲のリクエストはNGです。
Could you please introduce yourself to the Sabukaru Network?
My name is Katoman. Or at least that’s what everyone calls me. I’m the manager of Beat Cafe, and I also run Dotlinecircle, kind of a company that does things related to music. Like my label management and the things I’ve done with music.
カトマンです。みんなからカトマンって呼ばれてます。それでBeat Cafeのマネージャーで、あと自分でドットラインサークルっていう音楽とかのことをやる、まあ会社じゃないですけどそういうのをやってますね。レーベルマネージメントとか、今まで音楽関連でやってきたこととか。
Beat Cafe is in Tokyo, but did you also grow up in Tokyo?
Beat Cafeなどは東京にありますが、育ちも東京ですか?
I was born in Nerima-ku, Tokyo, but I mainly grew up in Yokohama, near the edge.
We know this will probably be a difficult one for you, but how did you get into music?
Where should I start [laughs]. But ever since I was a kid, I was addicted to the TV, the radio, and music. At first, I used to check the hit charts and would take notes and all. I had a music obsession. Then as I grew up I would go to live shows, clubs, and move more on my own, and book live shows. When I was in uni, I worked at Tokyo FM and made the radio college charts. I also worked at a German music distributor, but my longest job was Nat Records in Shinjuku, a record store. I worked there for super long. From there, I started a label and began contacting international bands and bringing them to Japan, in the late 90s. I think the number of bands I’ve worked with probably tops 100 by now. Another thing I did was kind of the opposite, sending out Japanese bands overseas. There is a band called Nisennenmondai [Year 2000 Problem], and I managed them for about 10 years, and their overseas marketing, live shows, and tours. And I started Beat Cafe at around the same time. I’m basically just kind of a music all-rounder [laughs].
どうしよう、どっからいこう(笑)。でも本当に子供の時からテレビとラジオと音楽が好きで。そういうのばっか聞いてて。それも最初はヒットチャートの音楽とかをすごいメモったりしてて。音楽オブセッションがあったのかなっていうぐらい。大好きでしたね。それでどんどん成長してライブ行ったりとか、いろんなことを自分でやるようになって。ライブのブッキングとかもそうだし。大学生とかの時は東京FMでラジオの制作のカレッジチャートを作る仕事をしたり。あとドイツ系のミュージックディストロビューターで働いたり。あと一番長いのが新宿のNat Recordsっていうレコード屋さんがあって。そこでずっと働いてて。もう90s。それからずっと働いてた。その時からレーベルやったり、海外のバンドを自分で呼ぶっていうことを90年代後半から始めて。それで一緒にツアーとかしたバンドって言ったら100ぐらいあるのかな。あともう一個は日本のバンドを海外に送り出す。「にせんねんもんだい」っていうバンドがいて。そのバンドを10年間マネジメントしたんだけど、それで海外のマーケット、フェスとかツアーとか行ったり。あとはBeat Cafeもそれと同じ時期に始めてて。だからもう音楽のなんでも屋みたいな(笑)。
You worked at Nat records for quite some time but what was so special about this record store?
When I was working at a music distributor, I was also in charge of pitching and selling records to record stores so I already kind of knew the in and outs of it. It was only after a friend who I met working at a radio station when I was still a university student suggested that I work for Nat Records as they were trying to find a replacement for a guy who’d just left. At the time, I declined because I was still working for the distributor but when the time came to quit, I went straight to Nat Records and worked there for over 9 years.
ディストリビューターで働いて時は、どっちかというと流通の方を担当していたんですけど、その中でレコード屋への売り込みもしていたから、なんらかの関わりが元々あって。それと、大学時代に働いていたラジオ局でたまたま出会った友達がNat Recordsで働いていて、辞める人の後任として来てほしいと言われたののですが、当時はタイミングが悪く、一度断ったんですけど、その後、ディストリビューターを辞める時がきたら、間髪入れずNat Recordsへと向かいました。
We’ve heard that you have a really good eye for finding artists that are unknown in Japan yet.
Yeah, this is my career. It’s not my job, but it’s one of my main things. I used to work at a record shop, but I was the main buyer. I would buy cassettes of small bands, who are now huge. Every relationship with so-called famous artists, I’ve had from way back.
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
How do you know when an artist or band will succeed? Is it just a gut feeling?
I love music in general so obviously, I have moments where I listen to a song and get obsessed with it. But actually the bands and musicians I end up representing are friends of mind. Like for Battles, I was friends with the drummer John since he was in his former band so when he decided to leave and form battles, it just felt right to represent them myself. I don’t even think they had a recording out back then but I managed to get them to open for The Mars Volta and when I saw that the crowd was enjoying their music, I thought ‘they’ll make it’. After several other gigs I booked for them and after the release of their EP, they were already playing at LIQUID ROOM and got signed to Warp Records so I guess I do have a knack for finding artists before the big labels have their eyes on them.
アーティストを招聘するときは基本、友達なのです。マネージしていたバンドのバトルズも、ドラマー、ジョンの元入られていたバンドとも関わりがあったので、そこから彼が新しいバンドに加入した時も自分が招聘するのが当たり前というか、自然な気がして。当時は彼らの音源もなかったんだけど、取り敢えず客入れがいいギグで演奏してもらいたくて、マーズ・ヴォルタの前座に突っ込んだら、客が盛り上がってその瞬間に「これはいけるな」と思いました。その後にも何回がブッキングして、EPを出そうとなった時にはもう既にリキッド(liquid room]でやっていたという感じですかね。その後にワープと契約されたから、大きめのレーベルの目につけられる前から、自分が動いているときはありますね。
How was it compared to now to find new music now that everything's online?
I’m actually excited. I still listen to new music every day. Streaming services are like my dream, a treasure box. I can find anything. Everything I want. I don’t fully trust AI, but it is a great guide to find new artists. For example, let's say there is a new young artist, 20 years old or so. But I try to find their friends, not just the artist themselves. Not really through streaming services, but by doing research. I try to see which bands play together, which labels these guys are signed to, I just want to find great communities of music.
Do you still remember any big moments when you brought a band back to Japan? What are some of your favorite memories?
Well, alot [laughs]. But I’m always excited when they come here for their shows, or tours. But after the first show, it always just feels like a dream. Like this is Japan, I never thought this would be happening.
How do these events happen? Do you rent spaces around here?
Yeah, organizing, all that stuff, everything is by me. I book venues around here, Osaka, Sendai, Fukuoka, anywhere they go for tours. I also rent a van, sometimes too small for the amount of people. At that time, we were all young so it was fun no matter how small the van [laughs].
Who are some of the bands you became super close with?
A band called the battles, I was the first guy to pick them up in the world. But now they’re huge. I organized a tour for them, and they didn’t have any recordings [laughs]. I booked 10 shows in Japan.
How did it go?
It was so amazing. I was lucky and used to work a little bit with a different band, at around the same time. They also had a show at the same time in Shibuya, so I asked the management members and negotiated, and it worked out.
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
How would you describe the Tokyo music scene back then compared to now?
I’m not sure. I can’t really compare. What do you think? [laughs]
Was working in music something such a salarymen-based country didn’t like so much?
I wonder. The way we find music definitely changed, but small labels, venues, they haven’t changed much. But the way they are perceived from the outside has changed. With the internet and all. There are a lot of bands today, too. That fact hasn’t changed, and there are still a lot of communities. But they’re being hidden by the internet. They’re not as easy to find as back then with so much information out now. Especially after COVID, it made it even easier to find new artists and sounds.
Does Tokyo have many events and other music-related things where there is no info available online? Are there events just for insiders?
Small shows, small venues, a lot of places were operating kind of secretly. Kind of like secret raves [laughs]. As festivals like Fuji Rock and Summer Sonic are coming back, a lot of the artists came to Beat Cafe before and after their performances. But I wouldn’t say we intended on making it secretive, it was more because I’ve known most of the artists for a long long time, and they naturally ended up coming here. That I’m super grateful about.
When we talk about Beat Cafe, how did the whole thing start? When did you decide to have your own cultural hotspot?
Beat Cafeはどう始まったのですか?いつ自分のスペースを持とう、と思ったのですか?
Actually, Beat Cafe was originally in a different location. It’s our 8th year here, and we were at a different building in Shibuya for 7 years. Right after we left, that place got torn down.
Beat Cafeはもともとロケーションが違う場所にあって。ここでは8年目。7年間別のところでやってました。渋谷のセンター街にあった居酒屋タス1の横のビル。でもそのビル、うちらが出てってから取り壊されちゃって。
Can you elaborate on how Beat Cafe got its footing and the backstory behind the move?
The real owner of this bar is a guy called Gensho-san who owned another punk rock bar that I used to go to a lot with the bands that I managed. When I heard he was going to start up another bar in 2006, I said that I wanted to have two nights to myself so I can host events. That’s when he tossed me the keys to the bar and I took that as a sign that I couldn’t just be the host of these parties but also the guy who runs the bar and I guess it stayed like that for almost 16 years. He tells me that I can introduce myself as the owner now but in my mind, I’m still the ‘manager’ of Beat Cafe, not the owner.
Before we moved, we were located in Center-Gai next to the izakaya Tasu-ichi where we had two floors, the second floor was a live house called echo and the third floor was Beat Cafe. When the decision to move the bar was made, we really wanted it to incorporate elements from both echo and Beat Cafe which is why we originally hosted a lot of gigs here. Turns out we were a bit loud and got a lot of complaints from the other bars and that’s when we had to hit pause on live music in Beat Cafe.
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
Beat Cafe is always full, pre-COVID. But Beat Cafe is in one of the most famous and popular spots in the world, Shibuya. But you always manage to keep the place full, but not too full. We know it’s a cultural destination for many, but do you think it’s also a secret spot at the same time?
Beat Cafeはいつも人で賑わっている印象です。でもそれと同時にパンパンの居酒屋状態になっていることもあまりないかと思います。音楽好きの集まる場所であると同時に少し穴場感も狙っているのでしょうか?
It’s a bit difficult to answer, but it’s definitely not a secret spot. But, it would be kind of nice if it were that way. I do kick people out sometimes too, if they’re being a nuisance [laughs].
Ok this should be important, what are the rules of Beat Cafe?
Beat Cafeでのルールはどういったものですか?
Just come here, order a drink, have good vibes, and also: sorry, no requests.
We’ve noticed you’re very open regarding genres. Do you have any preferences when it comes to genre, do you see them differently?
No. I love them all. But not just anything, if it’s good, I like it.
There is one word we believe is very relevant to Beat Cafe; community. How important is it to you to build these communities?
Beat Cafeにあてはまる言葉を想像するとまず「コミュニティ」が思い浮かびます。カトマンさんにとってコミュニティは重要視してますか?
I don’t see Beat Cafe as a regular club, or a regular bar. Don’t want to sound like I’m being arrogant, but I think Beat Cafe is Beat Cafe. It doesn’t fit into any category. If that stays, and everyone has fun and drinks, I’m happy.
でもクラブでもないし、普通のバーでもない感じっていうのはすごいいいかなって。変な言い方だけど、Beat CafeはBeat Cafeにしかない感じっていうのがあればいいなって。ただみんなが楽しくお酒飲めればいいかなって。
Do you remember some of your wildest nights at Beat Cafe? There has to be a lot.
Beat Cafeでのクレイジーな夜いっぱいありますか?
Sooo many [laughs]. Wow.
Do you also get drunk sometimes?
Of course. We fucked up [laughs]. But I want to show you something. This is 10 years ago, a documentary of Beat Cafe [shows us booklet]. This is all taken in the span of about one week when my friends came, and put into a zine. It’s called “Feel the Beat”.
もちろん(笑)。ひとつ見せたいのがあって。10年ほど前のBeat Cafeのドキュメンタリです(冊子を片手に)。一週間ぐらいの期間で友達が撮影してくれて、zineにしてくれて。Feel the Beatってタイトルです。
Before COVID and when Tokyo was still super busy, did people ever stumble in here without knowing what this place is?
コロナの前、東京が今よりももっと忙しかった頃、Beat Cafeがなんなのか知らずに迷って入ってくる客とかはいましたか?
No tourists. I think basically everybody knows when they come. But before COVID, different friend’s friends, different companies, just busy every day.
You had a very successful crowdfunding for COVID, with a really cool shirt and all. How do you feel about that, so many people coming together to support Beat Cafe?
コロナ中のクラウドファンディングでTシャツなどをリリースしてとても成功したかと思います。Beat Cafeをサポートしてくれる人が大勢いてどう思われましたか?
Just simply amazing, all I can say is thank you. But I never asked them for anything. It all happened super organically. I cried a lot. At first, I didn’t even think of starting a crowdfunding. But I actually have a friend who works at Kickstarter in the US, and they actually approached me [laughs]. He told me “Katoman, we can’t lost Beat Cafe”. So they asked if I wanted to do a Kickstarter, and I agreed to it. The thing I really liked about Kickstarter is that unlike other crowdfunding systems, if you don’t reach the goal amount, the money goes back to the people who donated. It’s kind of an all-or-nothing situation. I think that’s fairer.
本当にありがたいの一言に尽きます。あれって一度も僕から「手伝ってください」とお願いはしてないんですよ。全て自然と起こったんです。もうすごく泣きましたね。クラウドファンディングは最初は考えてもいなかったのですが、Kickstarterで働いているアメリカの友人がいまして。逆に彼からアプローチされたんです。Beat Cafeがなくなったら困る、って(笑)。じゃあやろう、ってなって。Kickstarterの好きなところは、目標金額に到達しなかったら指示してくれた人に返却されることです。0か100かなんですよね。その方がフェアだと思います。
What can we do now to support Beat Cafe?
今Beat Cafeをサポートするためにできることはありますか?
Yeah, 2020 was a pretty tough year for us but we are doing well now. As for future plans, nothing, in particular, just keeping the music alive.
You say every day different people come. How do you choose all the music? Do you just see the vibes of the people who are here?
Yeah, I feel the vibes. I make my own playlists almost every day.
Is your selection based on how you feel that day?
Yeah, it’s basically my day. I put 10, 20 songs in, based on basically how I’m feeling that day.
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
The youth of Tokyo love Beat Cafe as well. How do you feel about this new generation, Tokyo Vitamin, Youth Quake, Creative Drug Store, and what they’re doing?
東京の若い世代もBeat Cafeによく来ているイメージがあります。Tokyo Vitamin、Youth Quake、Creative Drug Storeなど、ニュージェネレーションについてはどう思いますか?
Exciting. Just 1 word. Youth culture, what kids in their 10s and 20s are doing, I love it. I tell everybody this, but I think I’ve only been listening to music by the young generation from since I can remember. Like music that people in their teens and twenties make, it’s all I’ve ever really listened to. So I’m always looking for new young artists, there are so many cool bands and artists out there. It’s just fun to keep checking for new artists in general. I’m 51, and there aren’t that many cool people when you get to this age [laughs].
Many people come to Tokyo with big expectations, but they often get stuck only on the first layer of Japan. Shibuya crossing, Ichi-ran ramen, Tokyo tower. Now that people can come to Tokyo, and experience youth culture and music culture, what would you advise them to do, where would you tell them to go?
Come to Beat Cafe [laughs]. Just don’t be annoying.
Beat Cafeに来てください(笑)。でもめんどくさい人はやめてください。
What are some artists you’re excited about right now? Favorite young musicians?
I love what’s happening right now in the UK and Ireland. They’re like in their 20s, Black Midi, Squid, The Lounge Society, Working Men’s Club. So many good bands. These are the young and upcoming names, relatively easy to find nowadays if you like music. But there are even more young groups and artists out there, who have yet to be found.
今は特にUKとアイルランドで起こってることが好きだね。20代とかの。Black Midi、Squid、The Lounge Society、Working Men’s Clubとか。良いバンドがたくさん。彼らは調べれば割とすぐ出てくるような知名度まで来てるけど、他にもまだ発見されてない素晴らしいバンドもいっぱいいる。
How would you say a usual Beat Cafe night starts, and how does it end? Do you go somewhere after?
Beat Cafeの夜はどう始まってどう終わりますか?終わってからどこかに行ったりしますか?
Oh yes, of course [laughs]. I just go to my friend’s clubs and stuff.
What type of music do you like the most?
This is a hard question. I love everything. As long as it’s good music. But an answer I give a lot is Prince. I love Prince.
Can you name some bands, known or unknown, that you brought to Tokyo?
A band called Locust. They were actually my first tour, and I ended up doing 3 tours for them in Japan. And also Battles. I did stuff with them, and 3, or 4 years later they signed with Warp and became huge. And also I can mention The Album Leaf, with Jimmy Lavalle. Did a few tours with them, then they signed with Sub Pop, and became huge.
Locustって言うバンド。実は僕の初めてのツアーで。最終的には日本で3ツアーやることになったかな。あとはBattles。色々一緒にやって、その3、4年後にはWarpに入って。超大きくなった。あとはAlbum Leaf。Jimmy Lavalleの。いくつかツアーして、そこからSub Popに入って、彼らも超ビッグになった。
Do you have a favorite music venue?
I used to use Shibuya O-West a lot. Kind of one of my main booking places. I didn’t use Fever, but I love the place in Shin-Daita.
Do you share music with your son?
Yes, but he doesn’t care [laughs]. Maybe only BTS.
Was there one request that was so bad that made you put this sign up [No Requests]?
Beat CafeのNo Requests
In the past, we used to accept requests, for a short while. But when we were busy, so many annoying people would come up to us and ask “where’s my song?” or “can you play this?”.
Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.
On the other hand, was there a request you remember that was really good?
Please, no requests [nonchalantly gestures to adding a song to his playlist].
What’s your favorite drink set-up? Katoman’s favorite drink?
I have a lot. But I think it’s this [pulls out a bottle of Fernet Branca]. It’s like a Jägermeister, but a bit more bitter.
いっぱいあるけど、これかな。Fernet Branca。イェガーみたいだけど、もうちょっと苦い感じ。
What would you tell younger kids of Tokyo today?
Just be you, keep doing what you’re doing. Do your own thing.
Thank you for your time!
Interview: Ayana Waki & Casey Takumi Omori
Images: Natsuki Ludwig
All yellow coloured scans: Photo by Eric Elms from the book Feel the Beat.