CCP might be one of the most exciting brands you’ve [n]ever heard of. Everything about the label ticks the boxes of an extraordinary contender or black swan in this more and more globalised, washed out and trend-driven global fashion market.
But where do we start with the brand?
Founded by Tsutomu Kijima, CCP [Crazy Character Print] started as a small label in 1996, mainly focusing on and being involved with rave culture around Japan. Real people doing real things. A slowly formed subcultural base, paving the way for one of the most unique and functional brands out there that does things differently.
1996年に木島努氏によって設立されたCCP[Crazy Character Print]は当時交流の深かったレイブカルチャーなどをベースとした、リアルな人がリアルなことをしている小さなブランドだった。そこから時間が経つにつれファンが増え、CCPという独特かつ機能的なブランドがより形成されていった
When you make your way to CCP, deep into the East of Tokyo to Sumida-ku, far from Daikanyama and Harajuku where all the known brands hold stores, you will realize that your dedication was worth it.
Get out of central Tokyo for once, make the effort, and travel [preferably cycle] the miles. Go see for yourself - CCP deserves all the attention and dedication.
Once you’ve arrived, you will see the extraordinary store with it’s badass crew, and are welcomed by the unique, smart and functional pieces. What started out as a graphic-heavy rave brand has evolved into something entirely different. The CCP team doesn’t want their clothes flagged under any genre like techwear or cycling wear - they design what they want, and just what they want. They just are all into cycling, so it plays a huge part in CCP’s current identity. You will find many smart & functional details in all of their designs that will make your life on a bike easier.
When meeting Kijima-san and the team, you will fast understand that there is no trend radar, mood board or anything looking towards the current wave and trends in that workshop and retail space. The crew acts and designs out of purely individual and personal motives; not for profit or fame. Their clothes and style speak for themselves. The CCP store fuses shokunin spirit and raw creativity, and creates their vision to curate things that stand for themselves without all the noise of the fashion world.
Even the release cycle of their clothes go against standard fashion norms. Every time the Sabukaru Team visits CCP, something new is always on display. Besides 4 seasonal drops [yes, 4], CCP is always creating something new, and also have some collaborative collections including “CCP Ghost” with the Koenji based store softs.
The small and agile team behind CCP pull out new designs quicker than any other brands out there. During our last visit, designer Sato-san showed us an almost finished sample for a new pair of pants that he had sewed from scratch before we arrived.
CCPのリリースの仕組みも通常のファッションノルマとは異なったシステムとなっている。sabukaruがCCPによるたびに何か新しいものがディスプレイされている。年間4つのシーズン意外にもCCPは常に何か新しいものを造っている。高円寺にあるsoftsとのコラボレーションライン、CCP Ghostもそのうちの一つだ。CCPのチームはとにかく仕事が早い。我々が前回行った際にも、デザイナーの佐藤氏が裏から自分で縫ったサンプルのパンツを見せてくれた。そこからすぐ本物のサンプルができ、すぐ商品となっていく。
Take a look at CCP’s Instagram, and you will see their very organic way of presenting clothes, which bluntly shows the contrast between other fashion players on social media. CCP again, is different.
Besides all the folklore and interesting backgrounds around Kijima-san and his crew, the most interesting and important factor stays the clothing themselves. The CCP team would say the same.
What CCP does is create a functional space and brand that can live individually in this red ocean of other tech and functional contenders by adding their very own DNA, form, and a very clear and sharp elegance. And also by not giving a shit about anything that anybody else is doing.
Everything is designed in the Sumida-ku location and manufactured locally in factories around the area - fabric and factory information on every tag. The brand focuses on mobility, cycling and everyday uniform. No compromises; every detail serves a specific function, from zippers, pockets, buttons, to reflective tape. One of their highlight pieces is the Filter top - an item designed long before the pandemic, to initially secure you from pollution while commuting through the urban landscape. Clean and straightforward in its design, but at the same time being iconic and distinctive.
The same goes with their other pieces; you will not find anything similar from any other brand.
CCPの服は全て墨田区でデザインされ、制作もそう遠くないロケーションで行っている。もちろん全てmade in Japanだ。記事や工場の情報も全て商品のタグに記載されているあたりもこだわりと愛を感じる。サイクリング、モビリティ、ユニフォームなどを基盤としてCCPは服を作る。もちろんサステナビリティなどもだ。全てのディテールにはなにかしらの機能がある。ジッパー、ポケット、ボタン、リフレクターなども、全て配置や大きさなど、計算されている。CCPの定番アイテムの一つ、フィルタートップはこの良い例だ。コロナが流行する前から作られていた、超ハイネックシャツだ。首部分はマスクとしても利用でき、中にマスク用フィルターも入れることができる。胸には携帯などが入る隠れポケットも搭載されている。クリーンでストレートなデザインだが、一目でただの服じゃないことが伝わる。他のアイテムも同様だ。似たようなアイテムはどこを探しても見つからない。
What the CCP crew creates is something that is so unique, pure, raw and distinctive, it is hard to believe that they are still so underground.
The Sabukaru Team is very proud to team up with CCP, and have spent a few meetings with the brand and the creative heads behind it.
We once again teamed up with the Tokyo based Photographer Billy Fischer to present you CCP through our very own Sabukaru lens and welcome the team to an in-depth interview about everything CCP.
Keep the Sumida-ku-based brand on your watchlist, and read this interview. We guarantee you won’t regret it.
Can you please introduce CCP and the team behind it to the Sabukaru Network?
We are CCP, which stands for Crazy Character Print. We make active & comfortable clothes that we want to wear. We have recently been focusing on balancing functional materials and sustainable materials, and incorporating them into the same garment. The CCP Team consists of our representative Kijima, Designer Sato, Press & Shop manager Megumi, and 3 others from outside the company help us as well.
CCP has such an interesting backstory. From Hysteric Glamour to rave culture, could you tell us a little bit about the steps that formed the brand?
To keep it simple, we all joined & created the brand because of founder Kijima’s character and personality. It’s not just that the brand is “cool”, we feel something much deeper than that. That is what brought us together, and started our brand with a deep history.
What was the relationship with CCP and rave culture?
Kijima made CCP in 1996, and back then what we enjoyed doing was going clubbing every week.We would dance to trance, techno, ambient music all night long, and decided we want to make clothes that we would wear at clubs. Not just us but the people around us that would go clubbing. We opened a go-to record store in Shibuya for DJs, and did the distribution for Blueroom Loudspeakers. As time passed, more and more of us would get fatigued from clubbing all night, and we saw many of our friends pass out. This made us realize that we need to start taking care of our wellness too. And then right before Japan’s bicycle culture started to kick off, Kijima started to ride his bike. So we got rid of our company car, and did everything from business to commuting by bike. Back then, there wasn’t any city-cycling clothing, only race-wear. We decided we could be the first ones to start making clothes to be worn for city-riders.
元々木島が1996年にこの場所で会社を立ち上げたのですが、その頃の自分たちにとって楽しかったのがクラブで毎週遊ぶことでした。トランス、テクノ、アンビエントなどを聴いて踊り、そのような場所に着ていく服を作りました。集まる人たちもそれを求めて買い、シーンを作っていくわけです。渋谷にDJご用達のレコードショップも出しましたし、Blueroom loudspeakersのディストリビューションもやりました。年月が経つとともに、クラブで遊んでいたような人たちや音楽関連の人の身体の調子がどんどん悪化していき、倒れてしまう場面などを良く目撃していました。身体のケアもしっかりしないといけない訳です。そして自転車ブームが来る少し前に、木島が自転車に乗り始めました。営業も通勤も全部自転車にしました。会社の車も無くし、全て自転車移動にしたのです。当時はレース用のウェアしかなくて、街乗りのウェアがまだ世の中になかったので、私達が先頭を切って作り始めました。
How does a good rave outfit compare to an outfit for cycling?
We make clothing that is very round and smooth, we try not to make clothing where the designs are sharp and edgy. This core concept hasn’t changed from day 1 for us. If you show a CCP fan one of our pieces from our rave days and one from today, they will be able to tell that they are both CCP.
What are the elements you need for a cycling outfit in Tokyo?
We design our clothing with the Tokyo cyclist in mind. One thing that is very important is to blend in the city. But not just blend and become invisible, we want our clothes to turn the heads of some people you cycle by. Regarding movability, we don’t think we have to make crazy, funky cuts. The human body moves similarly for everyone, and our clothes are not that different structure-wise from other activewear. However, one major difference might be our heavy use of back pockets, which are very useful when cycling.
Cycling in Tokyo means you will have to bike in the rain at some point. Do you guys think fast drying clothes or clothes that keep you completely dry is more important?
Megumi - We don’t focus too much on rainwear. Maybe we would go for Fast Dry than Water Resistance.
Sato - No need to be 100% water proof clothing as there are cons.
Megumi - あんまりがっつりレインウェアというのは作っていません。どちらかというと速乾性ですかね。
Sato - 完全防水である必要はないのかもしれませんね。どうしても弱点とかが出てきてしまうと思うので。
We would like to ask a little about how the brand is run. How is it organized? For example, the neck gaiter, is it always small production and limited runs and then it’s gone? What is the setup of the collections like?
We have a somewhat unique production system. Everything we make is made in Japan, and all made in local sewing factories close enough for us to monitor. We often bike to the factories to see how production is coming. From planning to completion, it takes roughly 45 days. That’s how our production usually is done.
Do you guys produce in seasons? Or do you create when ideas come to mind?
Yes, we do seasons. But our seasons are a little bit unique as well, and we don’t design and create for collections coming far out. We only look 2, 3 months ahead, and create clothes that we want at the moment. So if we wanted to create a collection in January, it would basically be ready to go by some time in March.
How would you define the core values and ideas behind CCP?
We just make what we want to wear. Obviously we are happy if the sales do well, but absolutely nothing is for the profit. We only wear CCP, and we don’t make what we don’t want. We also never do any sales or discounts. We only produce what we need. Never more, never less.
We see CCP as more of a mindset rather than a brand, and how you live your life. In this sense, what does cycling mean to you guys?
It isn’t anything special to us, it’s just something we use in our everyday lives. Bikes are like a partner to us.
One question about CCP and it’s rave background. Some of the designs must have been very colorful and vibrant, are any of these elements still alive in the brand? Do you still have any of the pieces, or any images of these pieces?
Yes, we were very young and played around a lot back then (laughs). The people that we always hung out with and raved with actually followed CCP, still follow us today. So even if there may not be any “rave” elements in our clothing today, our core base of customers has not changed. Regarding our clothes, I think Sato-san still has some of our items (laughs).
Sato - I keep anything that I like. I’ve been with the brand designing since the start for about 25 years. We didn’t change the scene that we were in, we just followed what we feel was fun.
Sato - 僕は気に入ったものは基本的にとっておいてます。CCPの立ち上げ当初から25年ほどデザインをしてますが、シーンを変えたわけではなく、気に入ったものを追いかけていたらそこにCCPが常にある感じですね。
A question about your collection. Are there any pieces in this store that you would call essential CCP pieces?
Currently, we would say our Filter Top, and our Full Face Parka. Our Full Face Parkas have all sold out for this season (laughs).
Where can we buy CCP? Are there any online or international stores where we can purchase these items?
There is a store which will be starting this autumn in Canada. We have a stockist in Hong Kong too, which does not do online sales. There is also a store in the US which currently only carries our Filter Top. [NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN EUROPE]
Are you looking to expand into new markets?
We don’t go around asking stores to become retailers of CCP, but if we are approached and our visions match, we will gladly team up.
If CCP was a human BEING, AT what STAGE their life would they be at right now?
We would probably say still half way (laughs). We still have a lot of things we want to do, lots of ambition. We are still getting started. There are still a lot of people who don’t know CCP, since we just currently enjoy being a laid back, underground brand.
Sato - Maybe late 30s. Although our staff, we are all pretty old (laughs).
Sato - 30代後半ぐらいかもしれませんね。スタッフはみんな結構年齢いってるんですけど(笑)。
We know you don’t create or design for other brands. But we think you are creating the hottest shit. CCP is one of the coolest brands we have ever seen. Are you aware that you are sitting on a rocket?
We aren’t aware of that (laughs). Maybe we should be. Like this Full Face Hoodie I am wearing right now, this may seem very “now”, but we’ve been making them for well over 10 years now. We don’t create items with trends in mind at all. We’ve just been doing what we do and making what we want for a very long time now.
Sato - Our clothes come from ideas in our daily lives. We just bring those ideas to life. No more to it. We don’t pull inspiration from other brands, and as long as our customers are happy with our original ideas, we are happy as well.
Sato - 僕たちの生活、CCPのスタッフの生活の中からアイデアが出てくる感じなので、僕たちの生活を形にして出しているだけ、と言う感じです。どこかを参考にしたりとかは全くないですし、僕たちが出すオリジナルのものをみんなが喜んで着てくれるのならそれで私達は満足です。
Can we hear a little bit about your collaboration with the store softs?
We originally worked with softs in wholesale. The owner then told us how much he enjoyed CCP, and started to sell CCP at his store. After a while, he started to throw in small orders, like add a pocket here or put another element here (laughs).
Sato - We respect each other to a great extent. He told us he would like to “modify” some of our pieces. The silhouettes are all CCP, with a few additional details. We don’t just let anybody do this though, we really respect him. Currently, along with those pieces, softs sells some exclusive CCP items you can’t find anywhere else as well. The designs may be slightly different, but the vision and feeling behind it all stays very CCP.
Sato - お互いにすごいリスペクトしあっていて、向こうがいじらせてほしいと言ってきたんですよね。型はCCPのものをベースに、ちょっとポケットをつけるだったり、その中にもう一個なんか欲しいであったり。ただ、誰にでもいじらせるわけではなくて、彼をリスペクトしているので、オリジナルのCCPをsoftsさん別注、というような形から始まっています。今はそういった依頼もうけつつ、softsさんの店でしか売っていないCCPの服も作っています。うちのデザインとは少し違うものもあるのですが、担当しているものが一緒なので味付けはCCPと変わらないものになっています。
Do you have any advice for today's generation of fashion enthusiasts?
Our boss Kijima might have the best advice for the younger generation:
Kijima - To keep this short. When we were young, the reason why we got into fashion was the same for everyone. It was to look hot, and get the girls. However, times have changed, and young people of today have new reasons to wear clothing. It is a form of self-expression. Keep expressing yourselves on a more global scale, and tell the world who you are.
Kijima - 手短に言います。僕らが洋服に興味をもったり、洋服を好きになるというベースは、僕らの時代は女の子にモテたい。っていうところが一番大きかったんです。でも今は、自分の生き方だったり、もっとグローバルな部分で人としてどうありたい、僕はこういう人間である、っていうところがスタイリングの中心になってきていると思っています。
Interview Credits:
Text/Interview: Adrian Bianco, Casey Takumi Omori
Editorial Images: Billy Fischer
Retail Images: Natsuki Ludwig
Editorial Credits:
Art Direction: Sabukaru Online
Photographer: Billy Fischer
Producer: Marta Espinosa
P/A: Johnny Terror
Styling: Casey Omori
Model: Casey Omori
Studio: CYK Studio